Those with Eating Disorders Suffer Silently


New Member
I had previously posted this before..and posting again, to see if anyone knows of support groups in Southern Maryland for Eating Disorders.
I am writing this in an open forum as a last effort to find support for those with Eating Disorders.

I have a daughter who has suffered with an eating disorder for more than 8 years. She had previously been to an Eating Disorder Clinic. The clinic did give her the life skills for recovery, but since the clinic is more than two hours away and she did not receive the support she needs to continue her recovery. It has been a roller coaster ride for her as well as our family.

I had contacted the hospital, as well as other organizations...only to be told No... I am hopping that someone will realize that a support group for those suffering from an eating disorder will be beneficial..
They have support groups for drug addicts, alcoholics, obesity and mental illness.

For those with an eating disorder, they suffer silently and if they don't receive support that is much needed.....their recovery could be bleak

I am reaching out to anyone in the health field that would consideration a support group

I am one of many mothers that feels helpless in the fight for her child's recovery

I appreciate your time,