

Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
(Sorry, in advance, for the tiny type. The larger type would have been a larger file; which the server refused.)

I don't particularly buy this.

Whether it's talking "bell curve" tendencies (+/- 2 SD) or temperament or introversion/extroversion I don't think this really holds up.

What do y'all think?


--- [In the nothing box at the moment] (MCP)


Well-Known Member
I don't really buy this either, but then again, all the gender/parental role stereotypes (be it memes or tales passed down the generations) which have been promulgated throughout the years don't really compute with me either.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it describes women very well, but it's a reasonable assessment of men. And I've spent way too many hours in the nothing box.


Well-Known Member
I don't really buy this either, but then again, all the gender/parental role stereotypes (be it memes or tales passed down the generations) which have been promulgated throughout the years don't really compute with me either.
I doubt you can compute 2+2
It sounds like life in general confuses you...


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
I don't really buy this either, but then again, all the gender/parental role stereotypes (be it memes or tales passed down the generations) which have been promulgated throughout the years don't really compute with me either.
I don't know if it describes women very well, but it's a reasonable assessment of men. And I've spent way too many hours in the nothing box.
Find myself in agreement....

I think it's a bit more gray than the meme suggests. Maybe true in the main, but i don't know. Good for conversation, though. Both in seriousness and in jest.

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It sounds like my wife and I.
I sent the meme to her. She said the description on men's brains fits me to a tee, although she doesn't understand the "nothing box."

She wasn't sure that the wire analogy matched her though. She related more to the box analogy, except that ALL her boxes touch each other and there is NO "nothing box.".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I admire men's ability to think and do nothing. It irritates me because I'm envious of it. It's like how guys lay down in bed, you have a short goodnight conversation, and out they go. The woman is still awake thinking about what she did that day, what she has to do tomorrow, who said what to who, oh shoot I'm almost out of dish soap....

It's like watching TV. Men can sit and watch TV. Women watch TV while they're reading or chatting on FB or crocheting. Women don't have boxes, they have Venn diagrams.


PREMO Member
It's like how guys lay down in bed, you have a short goodnight conversation, and out they go.

My head hits the pillow I am generally out asleep in 2 - 5 min.

The woman is still awake thinking about what she did that day, what she has to do tomorrow, who said what to who, oh shoot I'm almost out of dish soap....

Yep this is my wife on the couch until 4 am.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I think it's logic and emotion that are at work here. At least the examples in my life. I have know logical women but even they had a good bit of emotion going on when they made decisions or pondered over things.

My mom is a great example. She lives alone. House is too big to manage. Property taxes are eating her savings. She has mobility issues with the stairs. If you made a list of pros & cons for moving and staying put, the pros of moving would be several pages long. The cons would have 2-3 lines at most. But she will ignore the logic. Why? They say she's set in her ways. Someone looking at this from a logical standpoint would see this as a no brainer.

And I'm the illogical one for living in a rolling box. TEHO


Well-Known Member
My mom is a great example. She lives alone. House is too big to manage. Property taxes are eating her savings. She has mobility issues with the stairs.

My mom has a similar issue - dad passed away three years ago, and while owning a couple timeshares, she's wasting hundreds of dollars a month paying into another one that they were buying before my dad died. All of us are telling her, just default on it - tell the timeshare company you don't want it, they can have it. She's stated multiple times she has no intention of ever, ever using it, and none of the kids want it. She can never ever hope to recoup the money she put into it. But she keeps paying for it. God knows why; she could REALLY use that money.