Thursday Humor


New Member

A Navy Chief went out with his shipmates and had a few drinks at the Chief's club.

...With all the camaraderie and ’sea stories’ about deployments and his port visit in Subic Bay, the Chief kinda got in the mood for some loving.

Now there were plenty of nice looking ladies at the Chief's club having a good time, too, but the Chief chose to be true to his wife and went home.

When the Chief got home, he found the wife sound asleep in bed with her mouth wide open.

The Chief runs to the bathroom medicine cabinet and get two aspirin, snuck over to the bed and drop them into his wife's mouth.

Of course the wife chokes but recovers and she asks her husband......

‘What did you just put in my mouth?’

The Chief told her........'Two aspirin.'

The wife replies......'BUT I DON'T HAVE A HEADACHE!'

And the Chief exclaims........

'That's what I wanted to hear!'