Thursday Night Football


Supper's Ready
Listening to Joe all night is going to be tough.

Watching for a little bit, but probably won't stay up for it. Ravens seem to have a stronger presence so far (even with an 0 - 0 score so far).
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I bowl overhand
Don't know who the commentator is but he needs to go down on the field and go down on Matt Ryan and get it o er with


Big Dog Daddy
Hell of a finish to a great game. Of course i wish it went the other way, but you cant win em all. Flacco once again showed that he can bring the team back when it looks like they are down and out. The Ravens offense looked pretty good. The Ravens D looked average and Matt Ryan looked excellent. I was impressed with his play. Falcons played great and deserved the win.


Supper's Ready
Excellent game, and I stayed up for it! Gonna need a nap when I get home today, though... :lol:


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
The announcers were terrible. They should've just gone to the sidelines and made love to Matt Ryan.