My problem with Tik Tok is this:
If there was an app that brainwashed people into joining Hamas by using propaganda disguised as entertainment, I think most of us would be against that. If Nation of Islam had a social media app seeded with charismatic attractive people coercing users to hate America and kill white people, we'd put a stop to it. We wouldn't call it "free speech", we'd recognize it as harmful to our country and to Americans in general.
Tik Tok is that propaganda app for Communist China.
I don't think I've ever even heard of anything positive on Tik Tok. It's all crazy Dembots screaming hate or porno chicks. Why does anyone need that?
I find Rand Paul's response hard to understand, if it's real. We forbid you from having sex with toddlers, so you gonna run out and do it just because you hate being told what to do? I reject that teenage rebellion mentality.