Tiger Woods...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Amidst all of the Superbowl hullabaloo (sp?) Eldrick is quietly back.

His return to the game from winter hibernation was quite spectacular, as was someone elses return to golf that will Pete remain nameless.

In any event, Tiger won again as a youngster named Green melted in sudden death and a vet, Jose Maria O'lostmahball, did likewise.

Rumor has it that Tigers old lady is knocked up. Thirty years old and halfway to his goal of most career majors he will soon be entering into that phase of life that brought many of us to the game to begin wth. A phase that amounted to near obsession with the game, a phase that brought us to the course, to the range, to focus as much as possible on the game, fatherhood.

The next few years could be an absolute nightmare for the field.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
It wasn't an easy win either. What, he 3 putted on 3 holes. The Green kid (no pun intended) played ok for a rookie in a playoff vs. Tiger and Olazabal. Els is supposed to be back soon right?


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
Amidst all of the Superbowl hullabaloo (sp?) Eldrick is quietly back.

His return to the game from winter hibernation was quite spectacular, as was someone elses return to golf that will Pete remain nameless.

In any event, Tiger won again as a youngster named Green melted in sudden death and a vet, Jose Maria O'lostmahball, did likewise.

Rumor has it that Tigers old lady is knocked up. Thirty years old and halfway to his goal of most career majors he will soon be entering into that phase of life that brought many of us to the game to begin wth. A phase that amounted to near obsession with the game, a phase that brought us to the course, to the range, to focus as much as possible on the game, fatherhood.

The next few years could be an absolute nightmare for the field.
Big dose of indimidation!


No Longer the Kid
It was just like the Tiger Woods commercial for his 06 game..

where the guy is standing on the green with Tiger watching him, and he kept shaking real bad.. :killingme

When you play with Tiger, whether it be your paired up with, or your in a playoff against him, you have to be able to handle 1 million eyes watching you, because no matter what, you just became a story... and its hard for people who arent used to it... all in all..good for Tiger :yay: