M Bucker, I knew already that Ken Rossignol had lost a family member to a drunk driver. It was not my intention to belittle his loss. All of us have dealt at one time or another with the death of a family member.
Look how Roberta Roper dealt with the loss of her daughter. She started the Stephanie Roper Committee and Foundation, which fights for the rights of crime victims. Rossignol could have followed her example, and started a foundation to campaign for tougher laws against drunk driving. And I'd be behind him 100 percent.
Instead, Rossignol uses his newspaper to tear down the reputations of not just drunk drivers, but also any public figure who disagrees with him. Now, I've never driven drunk, and I have no sympathy for people who do. I believe it's journalistically dishonest to publish a list of drunk driving arrests and not follow up on the status of each arrest. This is because at one time, most drunk driving arrests never resulted in indictments. This may still be the case. If he's really serious about combating drunk driving, why not do some investigative journalism on why there were (or are) so few indictments?
(Edited by Tonio at 9:26 am on May 6, 2002)