tiki traffic


lower life form
It's noisy, frequent jam-ups, lotsa folks not realizing that all parking places down on the island are full, difficult to find a place to turn around and come back.
OrneryPest said:
It's noisy, frequent jam-ups, lotsa folks not realizing that all parking places down on the island are full, difficult to find a place to turn around and come back.
Is that today? Totally slipped my mind. :lmao:


New Member
OrneryPest said:
It's noisy, frequent jam-ups, lotsa folks not realizing that all parking places down on the island are full, difficult to find a place to turn around and come back.

even behind the church is all filled up? thats always been open when I go on fourth of july...its like people dont realize its there, even though there is a public parking sign, tis small though...hmm


lower life form
slaphappynmd said:
even behind the church is all filled up? thats always been open when I go on fourth of july...its like people dont realize its there, even though there is a public parking sign, tis small though...hmm
There may be a few available parking places behind the church and on the back streets of the Avondale section, but they'll be filled the instant anybody realizes they're there.

Your best deal is probably to park way up off the island somewhere and walk down or take one of the many buses they're running.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We're waiting until Saturday afternoon to go, probably be out of there before the sun drops below the bridge.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
kom526 said:
We're waiting until Saturday afternoon to go, probably be out of there before the sun drops below the bridge.
We are thinking about riding the bikes over there Sat or Sun, but I will just do water. I won't drink and drive the bike or car.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
BS Gal said:
We are thinking about riding the bikes over there Sat or Sun, but I will just do water.
:howdy: If you go over Sat afternoon just look for the guy suffering with the male pattern baldness. :lmao:


I am keeping my butt home tonight. No where near Solomons! :lmao: Heard something on the scanner about a lady there calling 911 after her pocket got picked.


Bronwyn said:
I am keeping my butt home tonight. No where near Solomons! :lmao: Heard something on the scanner about a lady there calling 911 after her pocket got picked.

A scanner in Calvert on Tiki night makes for some great entertainment. :jameo:


Bay_Kat said:
A scanner in Calvert on Tiki night makes for some great entertainment. :jameo:
Not really !,
same old same old !

Puke, blood, urine, fights, unconciousness, dui's, accidents, sirens, arrests, drunken stupidity, shame ...........

did I miss anything ? boring !............:killingme :howdy:
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lower life form
FireBrand said:
Not really !,
same old same old !

Puke, blood, urine, fights, unconciousness, dui's, accidents, sirens, arrests, drunken stupidity, shame ...........

did I miss anything ? boring !............:killingme :howdy:
Yes! You missed something! I found a shoe stuffed full of trash in my newspaper box this morning. Tiki Bar customers not only can't tell a newspaper box from a dumpster, but can't even tell a shoe from a baggie!


FireBrand said:
Not really !,
same old same old !

Puke, blood, urine, fights, unconciousness, dui's, accidents, sirens, arrests, drunken stupidity, shame ...........

did I miss anything ? boring !............:killingme :howdy:
:huggy: Firebrand! The ex and I LIVED for opening weekend, took the boat over on Wed. to get a space! My how things change....R and I were snuggled down at 9, up with the horses at 6. I like it this way MUCH better!!!!!!


remaxrealtor said:
:huggy: Firebrand! The ex and I LIVED for opening weekend, took the boat over on Wed. to get a space! My how things change....R and I were snuggled down at 9, up with the horses at 6. I like it this way MUCH better!!!!!!

:yay: You and R have a Great Weekend !