@GURPS has spent years reposting some really wild and bizarre stuff from Tim Pool,
The information is only ' wild and bizarre ' because YOU disagree with what is said.
today it’s becoming clear those posts were funded by Russia in an attempt to unsettle our beloved country.
So Transporter, you are back to claiming I am paid by Russia ....
Neither Pool or Tenet Media knew the money was coming from Russia
Is Facebook Russian Controlled Zuckerberg too GRU Advertising MONEY in 2015
Pool is panicking, did they honestly think this would never get out? Several other anti-US posters are funded by the Russians, including Benny Johnson.
Bullshit .... Anti-US
I'll remind you of your OWN words a couple of years ago ...
Every post you make is against anyone or any group that doesn't conform to your propagandist viewpoints.
Anti YOUR VERSION Of America ...
YOUR Version of America is
a Blue City crap Hole where Illegal Immigrant Gangs take over apartment buildings
$ 25 dollar an hour wages mean the closure of 1000's of businesses
Other retail stores that manage to survive close because of theft because YOU Worship Criminals
Black on black crime is ignored
It’s clear to anyone watching that Pool and others have turned very anti American the last couple of years, I’ve said it in this forum multiple times.
as I said above;
Anti YOUR VERSION of America ... YOUR view is shared in Blue City Shite Holes and OPPOSED by the REST of America
Now that we know Tenet was funneling over $100k to Pool a month from Russia that makes more sense.
To Quote Hillary Clinton
The claim PROVES NOTHING ....