Tim Poole Swatted


Well-Known Member
Why not time stamp the section that is relevent? Nobody has time for a 28 minute video. Well nobody that isn't incarcerated.
He goes thru the whole ordeal after about the 2,3 minute mark. I like Tim but his bitching about the police coming into his place without a search warrant due to 'exigent circumstances' is wrong in this case.


Power with Control
He goes thru the whole ordeal after about the 2,3 minute mark. I like Tim but his bitching about the police coming into his place without a search warrant due to 'exigent circumstances' is wrong in this case.

Agree, if he really had a crazed leftist (I know, repetitive) running around his place with a gun, he wouldnt want them to wait outside.


PREMO Member
I like Tim but his bitching about the police coming into his place without a search warrant due to 'exigent circumstances' is wrong in this case.

I disagree ......

1.Call goes in ONE Person
  1. Police Show Up
  2. Three different people state NO Shooter Here ... Trooper radios in some guy filming a political show, I'm going to do a Wellness Check ANYWAY

right there cop admits NO SHOOTER, there are no EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES he should tip his hat AND LEAVE
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, don't agree...Cops probably following strict guidelines for this situation. Trust, but verify. And, FWIW, I am no fan of law enforcement in alot of cases.


somd.com Editor
Staff member
PREMO Member

At least one or more suspected a SWATTING incident. Frankly, these days, every call of this nature needs to be approached with SWATTING as a possibility. This phone number spoofing needs to be ended too. It's the freaking phone companies who won't do anything because it cuts into their profits.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t seem all that smart to have consented to a search. He’s generally such a whiny little bitch - at least this made his show entertaining for a few minutes.


PREMO Member
Didn't the police tell him the first time... Sorry, don't need it. Exigent circumstances.

Yes and pushed their way passed

[I'd Say Lied ... because they admitted over the radio to base, we think it is a swatting incident ]