Time for another war?


Sorry about that chief.
Bush's approval rating lowest since election

Bush Approval Down

President Bush's approval rating from the American public has fallen steeply over the past four weeks, dropping 9 points since late August to 50% today. This decline breaks a sustained period of level approval ratings averaging 60% since June, after reaching a wartime peak of 71% approval in March and April.

While approval of Bush was nearly this low just prior to Sept. 11, 2001 -- the event that sent his job rating soaring for more than a year and triggered a seismic shift in his presidency -- Bush's current disapproval rating is markedly higher than any previous figure. Today, 47% of Americans disapprove of the job he is doing as president, leaving only 3% with no opinion. Prior to now, the highest level of disapproval recorded for Bush was 39% in a poll conducted Sept. 7-10, 2001.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's in the works...

...right now, tenuous links are being beaten out of low level CIA staffers to tie Wes Clark, the Clintons (of course) Radko what's his face the Serb of hat swapping with Clark fame, Sponge Bob and Dom de Villepin (another cartoon character) to a grand scheme to spike Viagra at it's source (an evil American corporation) so that Bob Dole and all other members members of the vast right wing conspricay can never recieve oral sex (or any other sex for that matter) in the ultimate 'gotcha'...all cooked up by Algore who is secretly a member of the 9th circuit...

And you thought it was all a coincidence.

Oh, sorry. The approval rating boost war plan: We attack New Hampshire during the primaries and get any we miss, if they have the nerve, to show up in Iowa.

It's all a master spook scheme with a super secret mole...code word (keep it a secret now boys!) D-E-A-N

Read it on the DU I did.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I honestly think a great deal of it is bad press regarding the war. I listen to C-SPAN radio and NPR a lot these days, but this little tidbit I read came from a surprising source - a Democrat.


One thing that keeps coming across in WH press briefings and some of these officials is that Iraq is improving tremendously - that the 'guerrilla war' that so often is depicted as being prematurely described as won is nothing more than a handful of thugs with guns taking potshots here and there. That the average day in the streets of Iraq is quite peaceful, they are taking on more responsibility and they're genuinely thrilled that Saddam is gone.

Krauthammer had an interesting column the other day - up until recently, the Democrats have been loudly squawking that we are spending far too little on the re-building of Afghanistan - BUT *somehow* are simply losing their heads over the cost of re-building Iraq. And which, of course, is patently absurd. As he points out in his piece, Afghanistan is a backward culture with little infrastructure to build - and strategically and politically on the world scene, has little value to us other than being the former home of the Taliban. A re-built Iraq as a strong, friendly *ally* could prove to be one of the most important things to us - a Mideast republic friendly to the US. We're making *incredible* strides to this end, but because it lacks the newsworthiness of war - and the occasional death of a soldier (plus the not mentioned deaths of civilians, which would be WORSE were we not there) IS newsworthy, so it gets coverage. I mean, what gets headlines and news coverage? A bomb that blows up and kills no one, or the fact that 60,000 Iraqis now run security in Iraq, schools are open again, and firehouses are being re-built?

Who in their right mind thought this would be over so quickly?

Oh - Dick Morris has an interesting piece out today - he says Clark's star will rise, and then fall - because he has only minor name recognition. He has no serious "support" and breaks under scrutiny when questioned.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...the thing I continually don't get is how full support for the troops and the mission in Iraq is going to cost any democrat a single thing...unless their constituents want us to fail.

Lieberman gets it. The only one. He says he could do a better job at home but is pretty much on board with Iraq.

What is Howard Dean going to do as President? According to his campaign he will remove us from Iraq on day one. Then what? Chaos in Iraq? What's he going to say to the troops? Forget your dead? Come home? Their lives were wasted for nothing because of 16 words in a speech?

President Kerrey? He is so strenuously trying to have it both ways, how is he going to lead? "Well, today I mean something else..."

Gephardt the same thing. "Now that I am President, we will continue what the Bush administration was doing becuase, slap my ass and put me to bed, was working pretty good over there. Gawwlllllleeee days."

Anyone want to imagine Wes Clark in charge? Really?

Imagine. The Democratic partys greatest hope for victory is the failure of democracy in the region most in need of it.

What a platform.