Time is Money! Man wins lawsuit against Sears Repairman!

Fed up with waiting for a Sears repair technician, a Maryland man took the matter to court and won.

Joseph Williams, a lawyer from Baltimore County, went to court after he was informed no one could come to fix his washing machine during most of the four-hour span he was told to be home because Sears Roebuck & Co. technicians were in a regularly scheduled staff meeting.

A judge only awarded Williams $1, but the lawyer said the money wasn't as important as the principle.

A Baltimore County District Court judge ruled last week that Sears violated Maryland's consumer protection laws, according to Williams' lawyer, Jane Santoni.

The judge "was very stern with Sears and said at the hearing, 'You don't treat people this way,"' Williams told The (Baltimore) Sun. "That was everything I wanted."


Lovin' being Texican
kwillia said:
Joseph Williams, a lawyer from Baltimore County, went to court after he was informed no one could come to fix his washing machine during most of the four-hour span he was told to be home because Sears Roebuck & Co. technicians were in a regularly scheduled staff meeting.

It looks like those fired D.C. 911 operators have found work as Sears repair men. At least temporarily.