Time of concession??? Biggest mistake??


Nothing to see here
When and what time will Kerry concede??

What was Kerry's biggest blunder during the campaign?


Super Genius
Kerry will never concede.

Biggest mistake was constantly saying "I have a plan" without actually presenting one.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I agree he will never concede.

He had many mistakes, first running on his "war experience" without releasing his military records, calling Bush a liar, being for or against the war depending on what audiance he was in front of or which way the wind was blowing, and his actual record in the Senate.
otter said:
What was Kerry's biggest blunder during the campaign?
IMO, I think it was the "multiple faces" of Kerry. I was horrified by how willing he was to cater to his specific audience of the moment and say absolutely anything that he thought they wanted to hear. That resulted in mixed messages coming from the same mouth throughout any given day. All I kept picturing was him doing absolutely the same thing as he sat at the table with each foreign leader and that would of lead us back to the day of letting other countries completely dictating our priorities. :ohwell:


Nothing to see here
ylexot said:
Kerry will never concede.

Biggest mistake was constantly saying "I have a plan" without actually presenting one.

He'll concede at some point today...noon??

I think his last week of hammering at the missing explosives in Iraq hurt him big time. He assumed that no one could read that there were tons of inconsistencies in his placing the blame on Bush.


Football season!
Listening to his republican PR advisor who told him the chicks will dig him if he has a nice dark tan.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
otter said:
What was Kerry's biggest blunder during the campaign?
He didn't make any big ones. The voters just didn't want him.

Trying to point to a mistake with him is like a guy asking why a girl turned him down for a date, and what he did wrong.

It doesn't have anything to do with a mistake, they just didn't want what he offered.

I'm actually curious about what Democratic leaders are saying - they're wondering about their strategy. I think they should consider their *message*.


I think he will concede sometime tonight during prime time only after it becomes obvious that he will not be able to overcome the margin of loss. I think he is still holding out hope for a huge mailbag will 100% of the ballots being for him is discovered in Ohio. He will do it during prime time because he loves center stage, noon would not provide enough audience for him.

Mistakes... I think Sam is correct in part; the country just didn't want him. I think it was because deep down he was viewed as an elitist New England liberal snob, and Americans hate snobs. His base was made up primarily of yellow dog Democrats and Bush haters. I think the actual number of people who diddled themselves over him was very very low. Despite everything they tried to portray he is not that likable.

Strategy mistakes...Since he could not rely on charm like Regan or Clinton, he needed to woo voters with substance, he had none. Simply stating "I have a plan" does not a plan make. I also think that his complete lack of a record despite being in the Senate for 20 years came through a little.

I believe his campagin style was vile. He made everything GW's fault no matter what it was or how petty it was. "This President" this, and "This President" that over and over, everything EVERYTHING was personally his fault made him look like a Eddie Haskel condecending ass, and Americans hate condecending asses.

Lastly I believe too that politicians in Washington, Sentate and House in particular get WAY too full of themselves and pumped up their own self importance to a degree it makes their judgement impared. Have you realized that you have to go back to Nixon to find a career Washington politician who has been elected President? Our last 6 Presidents were political outsiders 4 of which were Governors.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There was a "man on the street" just now on MSNBC who said, "For four years we've had to listen to liberals tell us how stupid we are and how terrible America is. Undermine our national security and belittle our way of life. Call our President a liar and a thief and Hitler. My vote yesterday was a vote against THEM, not John Kerry."


So I'd say Kerry's biggest mistake was...the Democrats. His own fans killed it for him with their nastiness and ugliness.

PS, buh-byee to Tom Daschle, king of the nasties! :howdy:


New Member
I don't think that the nation simply did not want him, the margin is only at @3.5 million votes. This was a very close race. If no one had voted for Nader, it would have been even smaller. I think that the nation is very split over what they want in a president, and I didn't think that any of the two main poops had what we wanted. That would be a strong, smart, honest, charming, good-looking man with concrete values and big plans. Someone who can handle the terrorists and get us that oil. Someone who will make the world a better place.

I have always thought that the difference between the dems and reps was that the reps , had all the money and wanted more, they liked having poor people so that they could feel bigger than someone, they were war junkies and had no clue how it is to be a real person, living a normal life, they cared nothing for the enviroment or conserving resources, drive their big gas hog SUVS to Martha's Vinyard and eat huge streaks full of chemicals and crap.
Democrats are not like that at all . They care . Bullshiat!
I really should have voted for either K or B, but I didn't. I know that since I did not , my vote was basically wasted. What ever. As I sit here looking at how divided this nation is today, seeing that alot of people didn't vote for either one, and that there won't be a clear cut WINNER, I can only hope that in the next century things wil begin to change. It takes time. I am not happy with the way things are and that's why I voted tha way I did. Eventually things will have to change.

Kerry sucks and Bush sucks. I voted for the party I liked best not the man. Which is why more folks don't vote for the other parties, they vote dem or rep that's it. Niether was worth it.


fttrsbeerwench said:
I don't think that the nation simply did not want him, the margin is only at @3.5 million votes. This was a very close race. If no one had voted for Nader, it would have been even smaller. I think that the nation is very split over what they want in a president, and I didn't think that any of the two main poops had what we wanted. That would be a strong, smart, honest, charming, good-looking man with concrete values and big plans. Someone who can handle the terrorists and get us that oil. Someone who will make the world a better place.

I have always thought that the difference between the dems and reps was that the reps , had all the money and wanted more, they liked having poor people so that they could feel bigger than someone, they were war junkies and had no clue how it is to be a real person, living a normal life, they cared nothing for the enviroment or conserving resources, drive their big gas hog SUVS to Martha's Vinyard and eat huge streaks full of chemicals and crap.
Democrats are not like that at all . They care . Bullshiat!
I really should have voted for either K or B, but I didn't. I know that since I did not , my vote was basically wasted. What ever. As I sit here looking at how divided this nation is today, seeing that alot of people didn't vote for either one, and that there won't be a clear cut WINNER, I can only hope that in the next century things wil begin to change. It takes time. I am not happy with the way things are and that's why I voted tha way I did. Eventually things will have to change.

Kerry sucks and Bush sucks. I voted for the party I liked best not the man. Which is why more folks don't vote for the other parties, they vote dem or rep that's it. Niether was worth it.

Are you feeling a little down today :shrug:


I bowl overhand
otter said:
When and what time will Kerry concede??

What was Kerry's biggest blunder during the campaign?

I don't think Kerry will concede until he tries to steal the election through litigation, this seems to becoming the DEMS SOP for elections, if we can't win the lawyers can. I have to ask what kind of lame duck president would he be now when the population knows he had to resort to litigation and lawsuits to become president, and how much damage that would do to his party..

Kerry's biggest blunder? Being Kerry, affiliated with Kennedy.. He's an ultra-liberal from an ultra liberal state, just glad more then 50% of Americans were smart enough to see through the facade.. him walking around in a carhardt jacket trying to look like a normal working American, hunting with a shotgun he voted to make illegal.. he's an azz of the highest calibre..