Time of Death!

Would you want to know your time to go

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If there was a site WWW.TIME OF DEATH.COM and this site could tell you the exact time of your demise and the cause.

Would you want to know?


If there was a site WWW.TIME OF DEATH.COM and this site could tell you the exact time of your demise and the cause.

Would you want to know?

I wouldn't want to know. Why not live everyday to it's fullest to celebrate the fact that you are alive rather than knowing you are going to die on a certain day and living life to the fullest for that reason alone :shrug:
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I'd want to know and the day before it said I was supposed to die, I'd blow my brains out to prove it wrong. :diva:


Dancing Up A Storm
I said yeah.............. Why?

Because I know where I'm headed next - and it isn't south of the border!

I believe in The Christ. The Good Book says if I believe in Him and have faith in Him, then I will join Him, after my days are done.

Oh Yeah.............Amen!


Would THIS face lie?
Hell yeah I'd want to know...I would take someone with me...I don't want to go by myself....Hope none of you all are standing by me when the time comes....I'm going to do my best I can to bring you along....:lmao:


If there was a site WWW.TIME OF DEATH.COM and this site could tell you the exact time of your demise and the cause.

Would you want to know?

Naaa, i would want my death to be a surprise so they would have to scramble for party favors. :yahoo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd want to know because I like to plan things out. Get my affairs in order, threaten my son and DIL into giving me grandchildren before I die - things like that.

Also, I'd want to have a going away party. Funerals are always so depressing and the deceased doesn't even get to enjoy their farewell. That hardly seems fair, so I'd rather have mine while I'm still alive.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Considering that I, personally, wouldn't believe in its ultimate finality (maybe a rough guesstimate though :whistle:), I'd try to use it as an achievement marker - which I suppose I should be doing anyway - then later, perhaps an "eff it" marker - sort of a time to let go of tougher battles. But, I don't think I'd let go living. Actually, it appears I'd do the opposite. :shrug:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I definitely would want to know.

I'd need to know how soon to start with the first name on my list.


I wanna be a SMIB
Id want to know. Id probably waste my remaining time, depending on how long I have, and party my ass off. Id take up smoking again, I mean whats it gonna do, kill me. The day before the last one, I go hunting with my list. Beware those who might think your name is there, youd probably be right. On the very last day, I wouldnt mind being so very wasted that I dont know if Im coming or going.


Free to Fly
I wouldn't want to know. Why not live everyday to it's fullest to celebrate the fact that you are alive rather than knowing you are going to die on a certain day and living life to the fullest for that reason alone :shrug:

If I knew in advance I think I'd lose my joy in life so I agree with your answer! If you don't have joy and peace you aren't living you are just existing IMO.


In My Opinion
would take a lot of fun out of some of the things you do.

remember the thrill you got when you slid the car around that curve at 100 mph and didnt die?
the thrill was because you could have died.
if you know you are dying on the 19th of march 2013, what thrill would there be in any dangerous event on,, lets say, june 12th 2009