Time to get out of the way in Iraq...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
1. Saddam suffers a traumatic sleep apnea event, tonight. Accidental death.

2. We stand aside to kill Iranians or anyone else who overtly (crosses borders)

And let 'em go! It's time for wholesale bloodletting in Iraq until everyone who won't compromise is dead.

We had to go through our civil war to resolve issues people insisted were worth fighting over.

Why should we deny the Iraqi's the same right?

Let 'em go!


Would THIS face lie?
Wait a minute...I think it has been solved...Ready for this...A CURFEW.....That'll keep the people off the streets and in line....Oh and BTY :sarcasm:
"As the country careened to the brink of civil war, Iraqi state television announced an unusual daytime curfew, ordering people off the streets Friday in Baghdad and the nearby flashpoint provinces of Diyala, Babil and Salaheddin, where the shrine bombing took place"
I think those people over there need to have a civil war....Crazy place!


New Member
Larry Gude said:
1. Saddam suffers a traumatic sleep apnea event, tonight. Accidental death.

2. We stand aside to kill Iranians or anyone else who overtly (crosses borders)

And let 'em go! It's time for wholesale bloodletting in Iraq until everyone who won't compromise is dead.

We had to go through our civil war to resolve issues people insisted were worth fighting over.

Why should we deny the Iraqi's the same right?

Let 'em go!

They are still in the revolution stage...give them about another hundred years for that! Ours lasted alot more than 3 or 4 years.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
We had to go through our civil war to resolve issues people insisted were worth fighting over.

Why should we deny the Iraqi's the same right?
I think the British and French didn't know what the hell they were doing when they redrew the maps at the end of World War I. Iraq used to be part of the Ottoman Empire, just as Czechoslovakia and most of Yugoslavia were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. All three of the new nations were hodgepodges of different ethnic groups, and in two cases the groups barely tolerated one another. The only things holding Yugoslavia together were Tito and communist rule. We should be grateful that the Czechs and Slovaks had an amicable splitup.

So I say, let Iraq break apart into three nations: Kurdistan, "Shiite-istan" and "Sunni-stan." A recent map in National Geographic showed these three groups occupying largely separate areas of Iraq.
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