Time to impeach!


Football season!

On the radio this morning, there was a mention of a small problem where Bush signed an American flag, which apparantly is a no-no. Anyone hear about this? With all of the other obvious problems surrounding Bush right now, I think the media (and the left) has more than enough material to work with as to not have to worry about something as stupid as this.

and YES, the title of this message is completely TIC!


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Staff member
PREMO Member
If your buddies over at the DU didn't freak out about it, why should we care? :rolleyes:


Here's the thing with the flag flap. The President of the United States can do whatever he wants with the flag according to the US Code. Any other citizen cannot modify the flag by placing anything on it (wording, drawings, etc.) but the President can.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As Bru pointed out the President has the authority to modify the rules governing the flag. But it isn't even an issue here as the only location that it is a misdemeanor to mark upon the flag is within the District of Columbia. As this was done outside of the DC area, it isn't a problem.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And this from that right-wing zealot - Satan himself - Matt Drudge. We should make him turn in his membership card.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
And this from that right-wing zealot - Satan himself - Matt Drudge. We should make him turn in his membership card.
:killingme It said "Developing...." He'll get it right once he checks his email.