
Ringing of the ears. Been driving me nuts on and off for maybe 4 years. Sometimes a weird rushing sound. My Dr. Sends me to a "specialist". Outcome, nada, can't be fixed. Thanks a truck load of manure Doc. Oh, Mel Gibson sponsors a clinic out in CA.


New Member
Ringing of the ears. Been driving me nuts on and off for maybe 4 years. Sometimes a weird rushing sound. My Dr. Sends me to a "specialist". Outcome, nada, can't be fixed. Thanks a truck load of manure Doc. Oh, Mel Gibson sponsors a clinic out in CA.

Got the same thing and yes, no known cure yet. The only good thing about it is that I've got an additional 10% on my VA disability claim.

Nanny Pam

Ringing of the ears. Been driving me nuts on and off for maybe 4 years. Sometimes a weird rushing sound. My Dr. Sends me to a "specialist". Outcome, nada, can't be fixed. Thanks a truck load of manure Doc. Oh, Mel Gibson sponsors a clinic out in CA.

just put them on vibrate or no ringtone.
:huggy: Sorry, I just couldn't resist.


New Member
Had it for years and years. It's an old friend now. Occasionally it goes away for a few days and I miss it. But then I can hear the wife, not sure which is worse.


wandering aimlessly
I've had it for years. Sometimes it becomes loud enough that I can't hold a conversation or use the phone properly. Others it just fades into the background. Right now its really singing.


Well-Known Member
Mine has been around for about 7 years. It is a whoosing/ocean-wave sound that goes with my pulse. If I press my finger under my ear it stops. Has gotten progressively worse, so I wonder if eventually it will block out all outside sound. 2 ENTs said I would just have to live with it.


USMC 1983-1995
I have it on my VA too (thank you F/A-18s). Nope, no cure. If you're not a veteran have it registered with Social Security as a hearing disability, might as well.


I've had it for almost 10 years. Mine sounds like squeaky pully's sometimes, or like the whine of a turbo in a jet other times. Never goes away.
Add one more to the list... had it a long time, getting progressively worse. I use it to gauge my blood pressure; it changes from a pulsing ring to a solid ring as the BP goes up.
Add one more to the list... had it a long time, getting progressively worse. I use it to gauge my blood pressure; it changes from a pulsing ring to a solid ring as the BP goes up.

Mine is independent of BP and the pulsing is very different from my heart rate, thank God. :killingme It's pretty low key today. No pulsing at all.