
For my last appt @ Scalped I dished over $30.00 for a tip. I hope that wasn't too little. I shyly asked the girl at the counter what was customary there and she told me 20%. My stylist was awesome! Can't wait to get back!


My Sweetest Boy
CableChick said:
For my last appt @ Scalped I dished over $30.00 for a tip. I hope that wasn't too little. I shyly asked the girl at the counter what was customary there and she told me 20%. My stylist was awesome! Can't wait to get back!

I go to Dottie...I love her!!
cattitude said:
I go to Dottie...I love her!!

Is Dottie the one that is 7ft tall?

I saw Melanie! Turns out her daughter attends the same daycare as my son and Chris' ( the salon coordinator ) neice is one of teachers there!

I need to call next week to get in for another hair appt.! I'm going to make an appt. soon for the spa side! It looks wonderful!


My Sweetest Boy
CableChick said:
Is Dottie the one that is 7ft tall?

I saw Melanie! Turns out her daughter attends the same daycare as my son and Chris' ( the salon coordinator ) neice is one of teachers there!

I need to call next week to get in for another hair appt.! I'm going to make an appt. soon for the spa side! It looks wonderful!

No, that's Margaret (but her daughter is also veeerry tall but she's just a senior in high school and isn't a stylist.

I love the place! Chris is great!


New Member
CableChick said:
For my last appt @ Scalped I dished over $30.00 for a tip. I hope that wasn't too little. I shyly asked the girl at the counter what was customary there and she told me 20%. My stylist was awesome! Can't wait to get back!

Did she apply gold leaf to your head? :lol: I am a 'standing' appt. and go automatically every 3 weeks. I have had my stylist for the good part of 24 years and that's a lot of tipping :lmao:


New Member
Thanks so much, ladies. I certainly don't want to tip too little and it's been ages since I've gone to a professional.


Baby blues
morganj614 said:
Did she apply gold leaf to your head? ...

I saw a news segment about these new facials they are doing... I think in Japan... where they apply gold leaf to the face! :lmao: I didn't see what the difference was when they took it off, but the ladies who got it done sure seemed happy.


Tinkerbell said:
I saw a news segment about these new facials they are doing... I think in Japan... where they apply gold leaf to the face! :lmao: I didn't see what the difference was when they took it off, but the ladies who got it done sure seemed happy.

I saw that news segment too. Unfortunately they didn't show an after look.


I have such a hard time finding someone really good at cutting long hair. Usually I'm disappointed and don't go back. Last time I went I found someone who did so awesome, My cut was $20 and I gave her a $20 tip. She gave me her business card, so hopefully next time I go she still works there! :lmao: