Tired all the time



I am so stinking tired...all I want to do is sleep. I am currently deployed overseas and using this time to try and get in shape but it just isn't happening! I'm too damn tired all the time.. As soon as I get back to my room I just pass out. For as long asI can. I am taking multi-vitamins and trying to eat right.
I don't get it! Can't go to the doctor either. I wish I knew a way to pep up my energy so I can keep working out. This really sucks.


I am so stinking tired...all I want to do is sleep. I am currently deployed overseas and using this time to try and get in shape but it just isn't happening! I'm too damn tired all the time.. As soon as I get back to my room I just pass out. For as long asI can. I am taking multi-vitamins and trying to eat right.
I don't get it! Can't go to the doctor either. I wish I knew a way to pep up my energy so I can keep working out. This really sucks.


The 3 things that come to mind are:

Anemia - simple blood test done by a doc can diagnose that.
Sleep Apnea - if you are trying to get into shape because you are overweight, this might be a root cause for sleep apnea. Testing would be more difficult as you are deployed overseas. Again, a doc might be able to start you on the right path.
Depression - depending on where you are deployed overseas, this could be an issue. If this is the first time away from home and your family, it might be harder on you psychologically than you realize.

Only a doc can tell you if you have any of the 3. you say that you can not go to a doc. I say you HAVE to see a doctor.


I can't go to a doc until I get home in 2 months.. I'm deployed. We only have med techs here for emergencies. It sucks here!

i'm thinking that sleep apnea thing sounds more like my problem. I had sinus surgery in September. Ever since then, I wake myself up snoring. I didn't think about that until you mentioned it... hmm. what can I do about that in the meantime?....being stuck in the desert with no ENT specialist? Any ideas?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am so stinking tired...all I want to do is sleep. I am currently deployed overseas and using this time to try and get in shape but it just isn't happening! I'm too damn tired all the time.. As soon as I get back to my room I just pass out. For as long asI can. I am taking multi-vitamins and trying to eat right.
I don't get it! Can't go to the doctor either. I wish I knew a way to pep up my energy so I can keep working out. This really sucks.

How well do you sleep?


4th thing to come to my mind----pregnant!!!!!! I was so tired when I was preggers. But that has been MANY years ago!!!
no plumbing for that. not possible.

I don't know how well I sleep...I'm not awake to observe myself. maybe I should get a sleep study done when I get back.


I can't go to a doc until I get home in 2 months.. I'm deployed. We only have med techs here for emergencies. It sucks here!
i'm thinking that sleep apnea thing sounds more like my problem. I had sinus surgery in September. Ever since then, I wake myself up snoring. I didn't think about that until you mentioned it... hmm. what can I do about that in the meantime?....being stuck in the desert with no ENT specialist? Any ideas?

Sleep apnea might be an issue if you wake yourself up snoring. However, depression might also be an issue based on your statements above.

What do you do in your off duty hours? Have any friends there with similar interests?


All Up In Your Grill

The 3 things that come to mind are:

Anemia - simple blood test done by a doc can diagnose that.
Sleep Apnea - if you are trying to get into shape because you are overweight, this might be a root cause for sleep apnea. Testing would be more difficult as you are deployed overseas. Again, a doc might be able to start you on the right path.
Depression - depending on where you are deployed overseas, this could be an issue. If this is the first time away from home and your family, it might be harder on you psychologically than you realize.

Only a doc can tell you if you have any of the 3. you say that you can not go to a doc. I say you HAVE to see a doctor.

I have an even simpler test to determine if you are anemic...take a gold ring and slide it down the side of your face. If it leaves a dark streak, you're anemic. If it leaves no mark, you aren't.


I have an even simpler test to determine if you are anemic...take a gold ring and slide it down the side of your face. If it leaves a dark streak, you're anemic. If it leaves no mark, you aren't.

NACHO - you can't be serious?

Anemia is usually described as an iron deficiency, though it can also be due to a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. The hemoglobin carries oxygen to tissues throughout the body, therefore it is imperative that anemia is treated, especially if you are experiencing extreme body fatigue or your skin is appearing paler than usual. Although it is by no means an official test for anemia, a gold ring test will show you whether or not you could be anemic based on the reaction you get from the gold ring against your skin. However, this test does not guarantee that you do or do not have anemia, and it is always best to see your doctor for a blood test no matter the results you get from the gold ring test.

How to Check for Anemia With a Gold Ring | eHow.com

My friend and I were using her gold ring to test the iron in our blood. She rubbed the ring on her forehead...no mark, I did the same and got a thick black streak. We repeated it over and over, arms, hands, cheeks, same thing, not a mark on her and I am covered in black. Does this really determine mild/moderate/extreme anemia? If not, why did I get the black marks and she did not?? Help me out!

Not a valid anemia test.
Note that 14K gold is not at all pure gold. Many of the metals in a "gold" ring can react to your body chemistry and turn into oxides on the skin. This does not indicate anemia

Using Gold for a Anemia Test? - Yahoo! Answers