Tis the season...


Well-Known Member
about this time each year, as we prepare for Independence Day and the excitement, stores are loading up on sparklers, red, white and blue banners, Uncle Sam hats, etc... and of course the BLM people yelling..... Now, other worldly crisisssses....

And on cue, the yellow containers loaded with fireworks, plopped in shopping center parking lots.... in a few days, weeks they will open, selling assortments of explosives the "celebrate" our Independence..... yup.... or ..... I guess we dont have to worry about them towelhead A-RABS setting off those boom boxes, I guess.... we have our own malcontents made here in UMERICA!!!


Well-Known Member
about this time each year, as we prepare for Independence Day and the excitement, stores are loading up on sparklers, red, white and blue banners, Uncle Sam hats, etc... and of course the BLM people yelling..... Now, other worldly crisisssses....

And on cue, the yellow containers loaded with fireworks, plopped in shopping center parking lots.... in a few days, weeks they will open, selling assortments of explosives the "celebrate" our Independence..... yup.... or ..... I guess we dont have to worry about them towelhead A-RABS setting off those boom boxes, I guess.... we have our own malcontents made here in UMERICA!!!
Warts and all, we are STILL America, the greatest county in the entire world and we are so fortunate to live here. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to take a minute and remember those courageous men and woman that have served and died to protect Her. And us.
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