Tit for Tat?


No Use for Donk Twits
Begala, who worked for Bill Clinton in the White House, discussed the annual Republican President’s Dinner in an e-mail to supporters that seeks to raise funds for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

“You should have seen the joint: wall to wall fat-cats. The limos were lined up around the block. If you’d stood in the middle of the ballroom and yelled, ‘Hey dirtbag!’ a thousand necks would have snapped around,” Begala wrote.

“You would think that, after years of loyally serving Bill Clinton, that Paul Begala would be able to identify a real dirtbag when he saw one,” said National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain. The group co-sponsored the dinner with its Senate counterpart.

“One day Democrats are bashing special interest money on the campaign trail in the name of ‘change’ and the next day they are lining their pockets with it,” Spain added. “No wonder they have resorted to using old-style Clintonian political attacks to drive this hypocritical message.” When contacted by The Hill, Begala did not mince words in defense of his rhetoric, calling the GOP “wimpy, whiny wussies.”


Can't wait for Darth Vader to lose his temper and deck Begala on his azz.

Begala calls Republican donors dirtbags


New Member
Begala, who worked for Bill Clinton in the White House, discussed the annual Republican President’s Dinner in an e-mail to supporters that seeks to raise funds for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

“You should have seen the joint: wall to wall fat-cats. The limos were lined up around the block. If you’d stood in the middle of the ballroom and yelled, ‘Hey dirtbag!’ a thousand necks would have snapped around,” Begala wrote.

“You would think that, after years of loyally serving Bill Clinton, that Paul Begala would be able to identify a real dirtbag when he saw one,” said National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain. The group co-sponsored the dinner with its Senate counterpart.

“One day Democrats are bashing special interest money on the campaign trail in the name of ‘change’ and the next day they are lining their pockets with it,” Spain added. “No wonder they have resorted to using old-style Clintonian political attacks to drive this hypocritical message.” When contacted by The Hill, Begala did not mince words in defense of his rhetoric, calling the GOP “wimpy, whiny wussies.”


Can't wait for Darth Vader to lose his temper and deck Begala on his azz.

Begala calls Republican donors dirtbags

He speaks as if the Democrats dont have any fat cats. Calling Republicans Dirtbags is like calling the kettle black. Their dirtbags keep their funds in ther freezers. Drown their girlfriends., and run prostitution rings out of their basements.


Dancing Up A Storm
He speaks as if the Democrats dont have any fat cats. Calling Republicans Dirtbags is like calling the kettle black. Their dirtbags keep their funds in ther freezers. Drown their girlfriends., and run prostitution rings out of their basements.

They also receive BJs in the Oval Office, then claim they never had sex with the woman.

Now THAT's a Dirtbag. :killingme


New Member
He speaks as if the Democrats dont have any fat cats. Calling Republicans Dirtbags is like calling the kettle black. Their dirtbags keep their funds in ther freezers. Drown their girlfriends., and run prostitution rings out of their basements.

They also receive BJs in the Oval Office, then claim they never had sex with the woman.

Now THAT's a Dirtbag. :killingme
Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



No Use for Donk Twits
I just love Begala, the penultimate beta male (Gore being the ultimate) calling someone else a wussie! I almost pizzed my pants when I read the original article.

I bet all those Hollywierd folks would just hate being called fat-cats. Their oh-so perfectly (surgically) formed bodies just couldn't take the verbal abuse.

But then again, their feeble minds probably wouldn't realize someone was talking about their wallets.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Begala, who worked for Bill Clinton in the White House, discussed the annual Republican President’s Dinner in an e-mail to supporters that seeks to raise funds for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

You would think that, after years of loyally serving Bill Clinton, that Paul Begala would be able to identify a real dirtbag when he saw one,” said National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain. The group co-sponsored the dinner with its Senate counterpart.

“One day Democrats are bashing special interest money on the campaign trail in the name of ‘change’ and the next day they are lining their pockets with it,” Spain added. “No wonder they have resorted to using old-style Clintonian political attacks to drive this hypocritical message.” When contacted by The Hill, Begala did not mince words in defense of his rhetoric, calling the GOP “wimpy, whiny wussies.”

I guess Begala wasn't around all the times Bill Clinton was on the receiving end of Monica's favors.
