

Throwing the deuces
TLC used to be a really great channel and now they've seemed to have adopted the "same premise, different people" idea. What's strange is the two topics they've focused on, multiples and little people. They have J&K Plus 8, 18 kids and Counting, Table for 12, and another show with sextuplets but I don't know the name. First it was Little People, Big World then came the Little Couple and I saw them advertising a new show Little People, Big Pregnancy. Plus they want more couples with multiples to contact them to be on new shows.

I understand that the network has found a cash cow with these two topics but how many shows can you possibly put out about multiple kids and little people? Soon the entire network will only have those two types of shows. It's kind of like Style Network. Do they run any other show than Clean House? I don't watch much TV but everytime I flip to that channel, it's that show.

Callie girl

New Member
This used to be my favorite channel but everytime I flip to it it is either John and Kate or Little people. I liked all the shows they used to have on. I hardly watch it now.