These credit card company's are only hurting themselves longterm. I have always paid off my credit card every month, and they have made plenty of money off of my use of their cards. They charge the business a percentage everytime I used a credit card, especially American Express. I charged everything I could to get 1 to 3 percent back. It adds up.
So along with everyone else, due to the economy, my limits were reduced and the rates are going up. Now the perks of using their cards are going away.
You know what? I will never use those cards again, and when the economy recovers, they will have lost their core customers with their treatment. Unless I'm stranded on the side of the road on a dark night, I won't charge anything again. They won't get their paybacks from the merchants so one of their sources of revenue will dry up if enough people do the same as I will. I have a strong feeling they will, and then they will be left with the risker customers.