Today's penis removal brought to you by lady tired of husband's karaoke habit


Well-Known Member
Jealous Wife Tries to Castrate Husband
Wed Nov 5,11:40 PM ET

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A popular karaoke performer was hospitalized after his jealous wife tried, but failed, to cut off his penis while he slept Wednesday, Phnom Penh police said.

Kan Bun Hou, 26, was asleep when his wife, Ma Len, attacked him with a razor blade, said Touch Sarin, a Phnom Penh police chief. Police were looking for the woman, who fled after the attack.

"The injury is not severe. It could have been worse if she had used scissors," he said. "His wound is treatable."

The attack apparently stemmed from Kan Bun Hou's popularity as a karaoke performer. The couple had fought the day before.

"He's a handsome man and used to party a lot at night," Touch Sarin said.

In August, a man was allegedly killed by his wife after she squeezed his testicles until he fainted and then tied his neck to a bed with a scarf. The woman, who said her husband used to beat her, turned herself in to the police.


What is it about this?

What is the deal about all these stories about all these women cutting off their boyfriends tools....


There are very few times that I would say it's just punishment (and no I don't even consider adultery just cause for this) - and somehow this news story doesn't quite fall into that category.


Asperger's Poster Child
I heard Elliott on DC101 defend Lorena Bobbitt by saying that her husband had it coming. I understand he was accused of raping her. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I heard Elliott on DC101 defend Lorena Bobbitt by saying that her husband had it coming. I understand he was accused of raping her. What do you think?

Rape, Hmm.

Well if I stuck my ding ding in your no no I bet you would say CUT IT OFF.