Todays Reason Why I love My Wife...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
October, 12, 2005

I'm upstairs jammim, head phones on, can't here nuttin but ME. So, I've had my fill, go see what's cooking in the kitchen, hang out with wifey. There sits the cutting board, a screw driver and...a hammer.


Tools mean the garage so out I go to see WTF this all means. Open the door and what do I see?

Well, boys and girls, the tag on the whole, fresh coconut sez "hit hard with hammer''.

Apparently, that didn't do the trick, nor the screwdriver. So, my baby done gone out to the woodpile and grabbed the maul.

Cococut is split neatly in half. Just like in the pictures.

Ballou the Bear would be proud. I know I am.

:fluttering heart:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Larry Gude said:
October, 12, 2005

I'm upstairs jammim, head phones on, can't here nuttin but ME. So, I've had my fill, go see what's cooking in the kitchen, hang out with wifey. There sits the cutting board, a screw driver and...a hammer.


Tools mean the garage so out I go to see WTF this all means. Open the door and what do I see?

Well, boys and girls, the tag on the whole, fresh coconut sez "hit hard with hammer''.

Apparently, that didn't do the trick, nor the screwdriver. So, my baby done gone out to the woodpile and grabbed the maul.

Cococut is split neatly in half. Just like in the pictures.

Ballou the Bear would be proud. I know I am.

:fluttering heart:
That reminds me of the time my boy came home with a big live rat for his snake. It had gotten out in his car on a rainy night, he had grabbed it's tail, which broke off (in his now bloody new Neon )and he asked me to hit it over the head to make it docile so that it wouldn't hurt the snake. What a woman I am......Can you feel the love????


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
Hey Vrai, did you climb the tree to get said coconut?
Of course not. I bought it at the grocery store because it occurred to me that I had never had fresh coconut before and figured, how hard can it be?



Mikeinsmd said:
This Thread is useless without Pics....... :popcorn:

If you've seen one coconut, you've seen them all.

Video would be better anyway. I wonder if she made a "hiiyaa" noise when she cut it? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vixen said:
I wonder if she made a "hiiyaa" noise when she cut it?
No - you let the weight of the maul do the work. Position, raise, let it fall.

But I must say, whoever first realized that there might be something to eat inside one of these things must have been REALLY hungry.


Stubborn and opinionated
Hey Vrai! I've got a whole bucket full of black walnuts I just picked up out of the yard for you to bust open next.:lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But I must say, whoever first realized that there might be something to eat inside one of these things must have been REALLY hungry.
He's a cousin to the guy that first tried oysters. I think they were Rugg's :biggrin:


Go Braves!
How to open a Coconut

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees F. Puncture both eyes on the coconut with an ice pick or sharp pointed awl. Drain out the milk and set aside ,refrigerated, in a closed container. Place the coconut on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes until the coconut cracks. Remove from the oven and let cool completely [careful not to let the coconut roll around and burn you]. Tap with a hammer and the coconut will open easily. Remove the nut meat.
CMC122 said:
Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees F. Puncture both eyes on the coconut with an ice pick or sharp pointed awl. Drain out the milk and set aside ,refrigerated, in a closed container. Place the coconut on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes until the coconut cracks. Remove from the oven and let cool completely [careful not to let the coconut roll around and burn you]. Tap with a hammer and the coconut will open easily. Remove the nut meat.


New Member
Ken King said:
He's a cousin to the guy that first tried oysters. I think they were Rugg's :biggrin:
I went and checked the family bible and nope it weren’t any Rugg. Momma Rugg keeps the family bible where we write down all the important stuff Rugg’s have done for near about 230 years. It’s pretty full because we have had many geniuses like me in 230 years. I scanned it real quick and didn’t find any entry about a Rugg discoverin oysters. I like them though.

I reccon you are right, oysters look just like a rock except they aint as heavy as a rock. Wonder who busted one open tried to eat it? Rodd wont eat one cause he says it looks like snot. I say that’s ok cause it means more for me, I mean oysters cause I wouldn’t eat snot either.

As far as coconuts goes I did find a entry about Phinniass Rugg who was a sea captain of a ship called “The Joy”. I think he was a pirate but Momma says no Ruggs have ever been afoul of the law ever. Anyhow, The story goes that Captain Phinniass Rugg was bringing coconuts and almonds back from out west on “the Joy” when he was attacked by privateers. The battle raged on for hours, cargo damaged, coconuts and almonds scattered all over the place and Captain Rugg’s ship “The Joy” ran slap out of cannon balls. Instead of givin up Captain Rugg ordered the crew to use coconuts for cannonballs. It worked and scared off the privateers. The coconut cannon balls made a terrible mess shredded coconut all over the place and it looked like snow. Well when they were cleanin up after the battle there was coconut mixed in with the almonds, Captain Rugg was mad at first until he tasted it and it was great. So great he changed the name of his ship.


I bowl overhand
... cause sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you don't... Peter Paul Almond Joy got nuts, peter Paul Mounds don't!!
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