Toddler performs a post-partum abortion


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

TLDR: Dirt bag druggie "parents" leave gun laying around; toddler gets hold of it and shoots his dad.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the children will be blessed with better parents that will love them and raise them right.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A two year old. Riiight. On the say-so of the five year old.

If one of the children did it, it was the five year old. A two year old can barely walk, let alone somehow manipulate a heavy handgun.

That was the first thing I thought. That gun must have had a hair trigger for a 2-year old to be able to pull it.
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Well-Known Member
I saw a commedian a while back that had a good bit about guns in the home. If you own a gun to hunt, great. Got it to protect yourself from the government? Cool. Like target shooting? Also good. But got it for "home protection"? Only makes sense if you live alone or are a completely irresponsible home owner. If it's locked in a safe with a trigger lock and separated from the ammo, then it's not going to do you any good when the bad guys bust in your door. And if you leave it lying around loaded, then this crap happens.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If it's locked in a safe with a trigger lock and separated from the ammo, then it's not going to do you any good when the bad guys bust in your door. And if you leave it lying around loaded, then this crap happens.
There is a wide selection of options in between those.



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I keep a loaded shotgun leaning against my dresser, but I don't have to worry about rugrats getting their hands on it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not at all. I have a biometric gun safe for the rifles, and it works flawlessly.

They should use that technology for my phone and laptop, then. "Sorry, I don't recognize you..." Bitch, you SAID fingerprint log in was foolproof!! :shutup:

Good thing I still remember my log in password.
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Just sneakin' around....
They should use that technology for my phone and laptop, then. "Sorry, I don't recognize you..." Bitch, you SAID fingerprint log in was foolproof!! :shutup:

Good thing I still remember my log in password.
Part of the reason they work well is that you don't just enter a single fingerprint. It's recommended that you enter the same fingerprint 3-5 separate times (stored as separate entries), and then again with different fingers. The chance of all of them not being recognized is slim. And if it does fail, there is a keypad and as a last resort, a physical bypass key.

Granted, the last two options won't help much in a panic situation.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Part of the reason they work well is that you don't just enter a single fingerprint. It's recommended that you enter the same fingerprint 3-5 separate times (stored as separate entries), and then again with different fingers. The chance of all of them not being recognized is slim. And if it does fail, there is a keypad and as a last resort, a physical bypass key.

Granted, the last two options won't help much in a panic situation.
Then you just beat ‘em with the safe.


When the gunfight starts, you'll have the rest of your life to get the safe open.
I'm a fan of wall pockets and concealment picture frames.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There's an old saying: better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Another one: better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.

That said, we're not talking about responsible gun owners in this article. These people are dirt bags who aren't going to follow any laws, no matter how many you make, and they have already demonstrated that. Case in point: it's already against the law to rob or kill people, yet criminals disregard that all the time - what makes anyone think they'll obey gun laws considering they already don't?

Democrats are stupid, and prog Democrats are the stupidest humans known to mankind. They think the answer to crime is more laws, and should have their faces laughed in rather than take them seriously. The ONLY reason they have a voice at all is because of the Leftist media that are paid to push propaganda. We the People need to take that voice away from them and not feel bad about it. Let them call us names - who cares? They're freaking criminals and pedophiles, why do we care what they think of us? Why do we want to be popular with evil monsters?

I never understand that mentality, but it's quite prevalent. Even politicians who say they disagree with the Leftist agenda will still insist some Leftist puke their "good friend". Who freaking has pedophiles and criminals as good friends??? Who has good friends that are evil monsters??



Well-Known Member
My youngest is 53 and has a home of her own, as does my son.
I do have a gun safe where I store things, but I also have a protector right next to my bed on the nightstand.

But I do suppose that if a Clinton aide could hang himself with an extension cord and shoot himself in the chest, this guy could have shot himself in the back.