I am actually trying to get it to NOT follow roads at the moment. I want it to map my bike and hike trails, but it seems that irregardless of where I go, it sticks to a road.
I havent had too many problems with it not picking major roads, last night I was driving from frederick back to annapolis and it wanted me to hit the Balt beltway instead of going on 29-100-97.
It was great though, as soon as I got on 29 it remapped a new path for me to take. I love it!
For trails and such you would benefit from an outdoor, hunting type of GPS that does not show roads, or one you can load custom maps on. I am not sure of the types, but I am pretty darn sure they exists.
The ones for cars (TomTom and Garmin Nuvi type) the software will keep the path on the road even when you deviate, and will try to remap if the road does not exist. That is the way they work and there is no getting around it, bottom line, they just don't work for off-road use.
Any hand held outdoorsy type, it would be a Garmin or Magellan... I had a Magellan and it worked great for in the woods. These units allow for something called "breadcrumb trails" - every so many feet, it will make a mark. Once you make it to a destination, you can reverse your breadcrumb trail and make your way back. Guaranteed never to get lost, unless you cannot pick up the satellites.
I got a low end Tom Tom and they now have all kinds of options for routes.
Sounds like time for an upgrade!
I need to read and see - I might give the old one to my step-son as he always borrows it for when he goes out of town.