Tonight at 7pm--Bill Nye debates Ken Ham


Well-Known Member
Loved this exchange....

Responding to an audience question about where atoms and matter come from, Nye said scientists are continuing to find out.

Ham said he already knows the answer.

"Bill, I want to tell you, there is a book that tells where atoms come from, and its starts out, 'In the beginning ...,"' Ham said.

Very classic and clever response!

Quite indisputable, actually. Science will never get to the bottom of matter, since everything science knows says they will always, mathematically, find something smaller that is part of the larger.

The open mind looks to God. The closed mind looks to themselves.


New Member
I really dislike Ken Ham even though I think he has good intentions in his apologetic. The creation museum is hyper-expensive joke of a place. Just imagine how many malaria preventing mosquito nets could be supplied with that money? Or clean water projects? Or bibles? I mean, holy cow, that place cost almost as much as the annual budget for the SBC Internation Mission Board. Shameful.