I'm going to go to check out this beginner bike.
(let's hope it comes with training wheels!)
I'm going to go to check out this beginner bike.
(let's hope it comes with training wheels!)
Some day, down the road, can I convert this to a trike?
Some day, down the road, can I convert this to a trike?
I would say no it is too underpowered for that.
What if I use a high octane gasoline?
It would still be too small but it would not have engine ping.
It looks nice, hope it has enough power for you. The smallest road bike I've ever had was a 400. I soon traded up to a 650.
Living here, the highest speed I'll probably need will be 45 or 50. The beach traffic prevents us from going over 50.
It's really just a learning toy for me. Something new to play with. When it's time to upgrade, I will be more familiar with a MC have have less anxiety.
It will be delivered today!