Tonight's debate


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now that I've watched the highlights:

I thought Kamala's take down of Joe was excellent. She had a nice little moment there. I thought Joe's retort was pretty good, too, considering he was stone cold nailed. It was obviously scripted and planned, because the Kamala team tweeted a photo of her as a little girl seconds later.

Raising of the hands to give our money to illegal invaders = FAIL. The Trump team is writing that campaign ad even as we speak.

Bernie came across as the same old crank he's always been.

The rest: :yawn:

One of the things about Biden is that he can work with Republicans and people he disagrees with (that was the whole point of his "segregationists" remark, but that "across the aisle" narrative has gone the way of the dinosaur in the Democrat Party. It's no longer "how can we work together"; it's "how can we destroy our enemies the Republicans?" There is a segment of the Party that is all for that, but not big enough to get any of these candidates elected.

I think this is the problem the Dems are having: hivemind and tunnel vision. They're pandering to the extremists in their party, completely forgetting that most Democrats are fairly moderate and if you go too far Left you'll lose them. When you want to confiscate their earnings and give it to Mexicans and Central Americans who jumped the border illegally, you lose them. When you want to eliminate their private health insurance and make them all stand in line for a doctor, you lose them.

I'm not sure why Biden risked his reputation for this. He should have rode off into the sunset as Uncle Joe, happily collecting his speaking fees and enjoying his foreign-grifted wealth. The Dems were hot to have him in the race and put the pressure on him to run....until he actually declared. Now he's toast and I can say with some certainty that he will not be the nominee.


Well-Known Member
Who are you?

Bush took us to a trillion dollar war after he lost th popular vote

Never use the term civil war, you are a monster.
And it's you & your vile, despicable ilk pushing for it...
And you're REEEEAAAALLL close to getting it!!


Well-Known Member
Now that I've watched the highlights:

I'm not sure why Biden risked his reputation for this. He should have rode off into the sunset as Uncle Joe, happily collecting his speaking fees and enjoying his foreign-grifted wealth. The Dems were hot to have him in the race and put the pressure on him to run....until he actually declared. Now he's toast and I can say with some certainty that he will not be the nominee.

I haven't figured out yet why anyone would want to be President, and that goes double for Joe Biden who danced to Obama's tune for 8 years.
Not sure he won't be the candidate though. With Camilla as his VP. In which case she will end up being the real President telling Biden what to do. He needs a puppet master to guide him.

And it's you & your vile, despicable ilk pushing for it...
And you're REEEEAAAALLL close to getting it!!

If the Democrats should win I hope they do not expect a peaceful transition of power after the ridiculous and shabby performance of the last couple of years. If their confiscatory agenda is forced on the armed public along with higher taxes, and anti-American regulatory schemes it is not going to be pretty. They may have to use the military they do no support.

Ex girlfriend?, ex lover ? Ex user, is more like it.
Her vagina and her intent to use it for gain got her where she is today, but i don't believe it can get her in the White House?
She is using her gender and her race towards that.


PREMO Member


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Speaking of Reason....

This guy (generally) cracks me up.

Saw this at Powerline, as well:

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