

New Member
My 10 year old daughter is scheduled for a tonsillectomy on May 12th. I was so excited for them to schedule this surgery as she has chronic strep throat. Now that she is scheduled, I am so nervous. I had mine out 8 years ago and it was the WORST pain I have ever been through! I heard it was alot better on children but after talking to the Doc today, seems like it will still be a big OWIE! Anyone out there's child ever had their tonsils out and have any insight or experience they would like to share? TIA!


professional daydreamer
My 10 year old daughter is scheduled for a tonsillectomy on May 12th. I was so excited for them to schedule this surgery as she has chronic strep throat. Now that she is scheduled, I am so nervous. I had mine out 8 years ago and it was the WORST pain I have ever been through! I heard it was alot better on children but after talking to the Doc today, seems like it will still be a big OWIE! Anyone out there's child ever had their tonsils out and have any insight or experience they would like to share? TIA!

The first thing I'd do is get a second opinion.


New Member
My 10 year old daughter is scheduled for a tonsillectomy on May 12th. I was so excited for them to schedule this surgery as she has chronic strep throat. Now that she is scheduled, I am so nervous. I had mine out 8 years ago and it was the WORST pain I have ever been through! I heard it was alot better on children but after talking to the Doc today, seems like it will still be a big OWIE! Anyone out there's child ever had their tonsils out and have any insight or experience they would like to share? TIA!

My daughter had hers out when she was 4 of 5, she had chronic strep as well and after dealing with it, I asked that they be takin out, NO PROBLEMS since then, all she had a a minor sore throat because of it, but the best thing that they could of done was take hers.....strep free for 5 yrs now


New Member
My daughter had hers out when she was 4 of 5, she had chronic strep as well and after dealing with it, I asked that they be takin out, NO PROBLEMS since then, all she had a a minor sore throat because of it, but the best thing that they could of done was take hers.....strep free for 5 yrs now

AWESOME! So glad she is doing well now, I hope we have the same results, I am sure we will! I am just a nervous Mommy!!!!!


Active Member
In my opinion, getting a tosillectomy does not necessarily stop strep thorat. I had mine taken out when I was 8 and every 7 years I get strep. Boy, had his taken out 2 years ago and no problems, except minor sore throat. I hurts like heck. However, the more they keep eating the faster it heals. If you'd like a second opinion, I'd highly recommend Dr. Chambers. Hope it helps.


happy to be living
My 10 year old daughter is scheduled for a tonsillectomy on May 12th. I was so excited for them to schedule this surgery as she has chronic strep throat. Now that she is scheduled, I am so nervous. I had mine out 8 years ago and it was the WORST pain I have ever been through! I heard it was alot better on children but after talking to the Doc today, seems like it will still be a big OWIE! Anyone out there's child ever had their tonsils out and have any insight or experience they would like to share? TIA!

Same here- it is a lot more serious to get them out as an adult- and probably more painful. Before the surgery, I swore I wouldn't take the pain meds. I was crushing them up on the ride home :roflmao:
It was worth the pain to get rid of them, though. Very few colds or sore throats since them.


Dream Stealer
I just had mine out a few months ago. It wasn't what i would call fun..but it wasn't the worst either. Popsicles and keeping hydrated and pain meds on time and its easy peesy. Good luck.


New Member
Two of my kids have had them out in the past 4 years. I won't lie-it wasnt easy. First day they slept off the anesthesia and it wasn't too awful. Second day didtn seem so bad either-not real great feeling though. Third day got really hard. I understand the scabs start to form on this day (yuck). I had a hard time getting either one of my kids to eat much. It was one long week each time.

This said-I could not give my kids the painkillers they sent us home with as both of them vomit from codeine (imagine throwing up after THAT surgery!). The motrin helped some.

As for my son-he had obstuctive apnea, thus the tonsillectomy. He has had WAY more strep since the surgery than prior.

My daughter, though, had a lot of strep prior to and none since the surgery. Go figure.

Good luck-I do recall that kids cannot use straws after it. I know you know to load up on ice cream and jello. All mine would eat was popsicles.


Dream Stealer
Two of my kids have had them out in the past 4 years. I won't lie-it wasnt easy. First day they slept off the anesthesia and it wasn't too awful. Second day didtn seem so bad either-not real great feeling though. Third day got really hard. I understand the scabs start to form on this day (yuck). I had a hard time getting either one of my kids to eat much. It was one long week each time.

This said-I could not give my kids the painkillers they sent us home with as both of them vomit from codeine (imagine throwing up after THAT surgery!). The motrin helped some.

As for my son-he had obstuctive apnea, thus the tonsillectomy. He has had WAY more strep since the surgery than prior.

My daughter, though, had a lot of strep prior to and none since the surgery. Go figure.

Good luck-I do recall that kids cannot use straws after it. I know you know to load up on ice cream and jello. All mine would eat was popsicles.

I had liquid vicoden..first day and a half it worked great..then I started to get violently ill every dose. Puking after that surgery is AWFUL. So I wnet out and got some liquid childrens motrin and used helped a ton. I needed the vicoden to sleep..but used the motrin coats the throat and helped the swelling so I could swallow better..I would def recommend that.


You're a LOON :)
My son had his taken out last year. It was easy. If she doesn't know how to gargle have her start before the surgery with peroxide. That will get her used to the feeling of the bubbling. The doctor told us to do this and that gargling a couple times a day was very important. He did this and when we went back in for his checkup she was amazed by how healed he was and said he must have gargled. It keeps the scabs soft and he never had any pain or discomfort from the scabs.


New Member
My advice-get them removed while she is young and keep her on the diet they say to do to help her heal quicker. I'm not going to discuss my experience, but I had mine removed several years ago and I got through it. When she gets the liquid pain reliever, ask if they can give you a suppository for nausea. It will help. Don't let her know you're worried or scared-she will be fine.


In My Opinion
My 4 yr old stepdaughter is getting her adenoids taken out on April 5th. I'm kind nervous. :ohwell:
Adenoids for a 4 year old is an easy thing. as in, fast healing and safe. Dont be nervous.

As for the tonsils, its going to be much easier and safer for a child than it is for an adult, the child will have less pain, and be back to normal much faster than an adult would. If they think the tonsils are going to continue being an issue, the younger the better.

Been there, done that. Sisters kids, not mine, but still got the tee shirt.


Registered User
Adenoids for a 4 year old is an easy thing. as in, fast healing and safe. Dont be nervous.

As for the tonsils, its going to be much easier and safer for a child than it is for an adult, the child will have less pain, and be back to normal much faster than an adult would. If they think the tonsils are going to continue being an issue, the younger the better.

Been there, done that. Sisters kids, not mine, but still got the tee shirt.

See if they can take her tonsils now too! My daughter had her adenoids out at 3 yrs. old and then had problems with her tonsils from high school through college, she finally had them out when she was 21 yrs old. It was horrible for her. They actually had her stay over night in the hospital. Trust me, ask and see what they say. My doctor told me they should have taken them out when they did her adenoids. It can't hurt to ask!


I had my tonsils taken out in 1st grade because I had really bad ear infections. I remember my throat being sore but mostly I remember 2 things:

1. I got lots and lots and lots of popsicles.

2. I took my brother's teddy bear into surgery with me and when I woke up, they had dressed it up like a doctor with little teddy bear scrubs, and a little teddy bear mask, and bandaids in it's pocket.

And I haven't had an ear infection since. So it was a pretty neat experience for me.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
My little one had hers out at 4 years old. Hardest part was putting her to sleep. She faught it and I had to keep her head steady while she screamed. Broke my heart to do that to her. No more strep since though and she is doing great. She was mostly back to being herself a few hours after the surgery.