

Twenty Something
anyone ever hear of "cryptic tonsils"? or have had any problems with tonsils whatsoever? I'm scared I may have to have them out.....I've been having problems with them since March, and the ear, nose, throat doctor from Bethesda can't see me on base 'til sometime in July. :frown:


Yeee hawww
Having your tonsils removed these days really isn't that bad at all. You are in and out in one day. They only bad part is waiting till the scabs fall off.


Twenty Something
yuck......yeah, I heard about that...just wish my tonsils were normal, that's all......they don't hurt much, but my doctor called them "cryptic".....they're developing craters & becoming split, and whatnot


Twenty Something
Re: Re: tonsils

Originally posted by migtig
Oropharyngeal anthrax
This is the least common form of anthrax. The incubation period is from 1 to 7 days. Initial symptoms include:
* Fever.
* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
* Severe throat pain.
* Difficulty swallowing.
* Ulcers at the base of the tongue.
As infection progresses, swelling can make breathing difficult.

Do you actually mean "septic"? Tonsil removal is quick, easy, simple and will save you from reoccuring sore throats, illnesses and even sleep problems. But most doctor's will not remove them without just cause.
Read this{5FE84E90-BC77-4056-A91C-9531713CA348}
it might help answer your questions.

I've been doing some research online, and I think what I might have are "tonsil stones".....sounds weird, huh?......says the only real cure is to have them removed...

why can't PAX have an ENT of their own? :tantrum:


My Sweetest Boy
Janey, there is such a thing as "cryptic" tonsils. Just look it up on and there's gobs of stuff.


Twenty Something
yeah, I looked up oodles of stuff on gotta wait to see the doc, that's all.