Too Funny


Football season!
This is :killingme :killingme :killingme on so many levels, not sure where to begin...

I sit down this morning for breakfast, open up the newspaper and there it is... Al Franken's picture... That alone at breakfast is enough to make you lose your appetite.

I see the title to his new book, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" and I thought that was :killingme

I read further, and come across "But Fox News, in a trademark infringement lawsuit filed in Manhattan, claims that it registered the expression 'fair and balanced' in 1998" yet another :killingme

And then I read on... "In its fair and balanced way, Fox News refers in its suit to Franken as an 'unstable' and 'shrill' 'C-level commentator' who is 'not a well-respected voice in American politics.' Yes, another :killingme

Oh, it gets better...
"And in its fair and balanced way, the suit filed by Fox News refers to Fox News Channel as that 'world famous' cable channel. :killingme

And more...
"The use of 'fair and balanced' in the title and the resemblance of the cover to the O'Reilly book is "likely to cause confusion among the public about whether Fox News has authorized or endorsed the book and about whether Franken is affiliated with FNC." They are referring, of course, to the large segment of the population that still counts with its toes. "

Al... Just shut up and go away...
Fox... Why would you, of all people, actually have "Fair and Balanced" as a trademark? I guess they figure the more they say it, the greater the chance that people will actually believe it??


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
"Lets get rrrready tooo rummmmble!" :rolleyes:

Why would you, of all people, actually have "Fair and Balanced" as a trademark?

I guess they figure the more they say it, the greater the chance that people will actually believe it??
Bingo! It's the liberal way. :razz2:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown

"And in its fair and balanced way, the suit filed by Fox News refers to Fox News Channel as that 'world famous' cable channel. :killingme

Let see, could it be that FNC beats out CNN, MSNBC, and the other cable news channels in virtually every time slot for number of viewers. Ever heard of ARBITRON? They measure that kind of stuff every quarter.

Originally posted by SmallTown
Fox... Why would you, of all people, actually have "Fair and Balanced" as a trademark? I guess they figure the more they say it, the greater the chance that people will actually believe it?? [/B]

Since they have Alan Combs (spelling?), one of the most liberal commentators I have heard :barf: and make an attempt to have speakers from all sides of an issue when they do interviews, as opposed to the the liberal news media, I think they have proved their point of being "fair and balnaced".
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I think that FNC is fair and balanced. They have just as many liberal commentators and hosts as conservative, so why do people keep insisting that they are biased to the right? Could it be because they insist on reporting both sides of a story?

Here's a perfect example. About a month ago, a report came out that said that "x" number of civilians were killed in during operation Iraqi Freedom. All that CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN HN reported was the number of civilians killed while running video of US troops in action. What was the result of this reporting: that the viewer could infer that the US troops were responsible for killing those civilians. FNC reported the casualty numbers AND also reported the rest of the report's details, which stated that the majority of those civilians killed died at the hands of the Iraqis, either through direct fire or accidentally by shots missing US forces and hitting Iraqis.

I know it really fries Liberals when FNC reports the whole story and as they say "let the viewers decide" rather than just the part of the story that serves their purposes. As for Franken, I think he should be allowed to use his "Fair and Balanced" title, then get sued for false advertising.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ST, I'd love to know why you think Fox is some right-wing news channel. Have you ever even watched it? Or did you just hear Barbra Streisand say it, so it must be true?

I can't stand Al Franken, but I'd be surprised if this lawsuit goes anywhere. "Fair and balanced" is part of the English language so you can't copyright it. And the cover of the book didn't remind me of O'Reilly's, either. He's been so vitriolic about Fox that now they're just trying to mess with him and waste some of his time.

2A - Alan Colmes and let's not forget about Clinton apologist extraordinaire, Geraldo Rivera. There are a few other big libs that comment and report too, so ST is talking out his azz when he says Fox is biased.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
ST is talking out his azz when he says Fox is biased.

It would take a true conservative to make a statement such as that.

See, that is the whole problem people have with Fox news. The other stations pretty much admit they are biased, but Fox keeps with the claims about not being biased... I wouldn't have a problem with them at all if they would quit hiding behind this "I'm neutral" BS.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
...Alan Colmes...

Thanks vrai. The DNS server (not mine) I am cuurently using is screwing up. It stop serving any hosts off our own intranet, so I couldn't look his name up. The only reason I can get to SOMD is that my local DNS server has it cached. I know techie stuff.

But Thanks.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown

See, that is the whole problem people have with Fox news. The other stations pretty much admit they are biased, but Fox keeps with the claims about not being biased... I wouldn't have a problem with them at all if they would quit hiding behind this "I'm neutral" BS.

ST, you are so full of yourself, you must be choking. The other networks do not admit they are biased. They deny it all the time. Fox presents both sides of a story. Just because the total coverage isn't liberal, you want to cry foul. What a cry baby. Grow up.


Is Fox Biased? Let's see:

Conservatives: Sean Hannity, E.D. Hill, Brian Kilmeade, Neil Cavuto

Liberals: Alan Colmes, Greta VanSusteren, Mort Kondracke, Mira Liasson, Linda Vester, Juan Williams, Shepard Smith,

Middle of the Road: Brit Hume, Tony Snow, Steve Doocy, John Gibson, Bill O'Reilly

It looks to me like there are a lot more professed Liberals than Conservatives on FNC. Maybe the fact that there is more than one tokein Conservative on the air is what makes Liberals think there's a slant to the right?

By the way, I would like to stand up for Alan Colmes. He may be a Liberal, but he's not one of those poisoned kool-aid chugging, follow the party line no matter how rediculous it is, kind. He's shown a great deal of rational thought, rare for a Liberal, and he's quick to point out when he thinks the Liberal conventional wisdom is good and when he thinks they're driving over a cliff. That's the kind of Liberal I can respect.


Football season!
Originally posted by 2ndAmendment
ST, you are so full of yourself, you must be choking. The other networks do not admit they are biased. They deny it all the time. Fox presents both sides of a story. Just because the total coverage isn't liberal, you want to cry foul. What a cry baby. Grow up.

Yea, that is the way it goes... Man, Fox news just LOVES people like you... Congrats!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
"Fair and balanced" is part of the English language so you can't copyright it.
So was "Let's get ready to rumble" by whomever the guy was that said it before a fight, and he won. Other people had to quit using the phrase.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
The other stations pretty much admit they are biased, but Fox keeps with the claims about not being biased
Again, for the forty-eighth time, please cite an example of Fox's bias. And please tell me when you've heard ANYONE on CNN or any other major media outlet admit they have a bias.

Admit that you've never watched Fox a day in your life and that the only reason you say they're biased is because you heard it from their competitors.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Again, for the forty-eighth time, please cite an example of Fox's bias. And please tell me when you've heard ANYONE on CNN or any other major media outlet admit they have a bias.

Admit that you've never watched Fox a day in your life and that the only reason you say they're biased is because you heard it from their competitors.

The others may not claim they are biased directly, but they also sure don't put out the claim they are NOT biased. But then again, Fox actually went to court, several times, for their right to lie so what do you expect?

As for Fox, I don't have a lot of free time anymore to watch any of the news channels. But when I was in MD I would frequently switch between cnn and fox to see what is going on. Always interesing to hear two sides of the story, I figure somewhere inbetween is the truth.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
The others may not claim they are biased directly, but they also sure don't put out the claim they are NOT biased.
Yes they do. But you don't watch the news, so you wouldn't know. Dan Rather actively campaigns for the Democrats on and off the air, yet says he's "just a news man". Judy Woodruff has given all kinds of money to the DNC, yet she was just on some show last week saying that she's a fair and unbiased reporter.

Listen to Katie Couric question a Democrat vs. questioning a Republican. She literally sneers at the Republicans.

The Washington Post claims to be an "Independent Newspaper" (serious, check their masthead), yet during Clinton every editorial and cartoon was supportive of him and now every cartoon and editorial is derogatory of Bush. The letters to the editor they choose to publish run about 90-10 in favor of liberal ideology.

It doesn't take a genius to see these things, ST.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde

It doesn't take a genius to see these things, ST.

You know, I was just thinkign the same about you guys. But hey, if Fox news makes you happy, so be it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Seriously ST, you constantly spout your liberal vent without any substantive quotes or independent source to back you up. That is why you get jumped on.

Fox News is the most watched of any cable news network. They must be doing something right. They get callers from conservatives and from liberals. They don't seem to filter calls to get a slant. It seems that when they have enough calls, they take a call from each side, pretty much alternating. Sometimes I get infuriated with some of the liberal opinions I hear on Fox, not just from viewers, but from commentators.

Now, if I, a conservative extraordinaire, and you, a liberal beyond belief, can both not like Fox at some point, they must be presenting both sides - hence, fair and balanced.


I thought I would do some comparisons...

NBC News:

Liberals: Katie Couric, Matt Lauder, Tom Brokaw, Maria Shriver, Chris Mathews, Dan Abrams, Bill Press, Tim Russert, Brian Williams

Conservatives: Pat Buchanan, Joe Scarborough

MOTR/Unknown: Stone Phillips, Keith Olberman

ABC News:

Liberals: Peter Jennings, George Stephanopolus, Diane Sawyer, Baba Wawa, John Stossel, Ted Koppel, Michel Martin

Conservatives: George Will

MOTR/Unknown: Charlie Gibson

CBS News:

Liberal: Dan Rather, Lesley Stahl, John Roberts, Thalia Assuras, Russ Mitchell, Bill Geist, Bob Schieffer

Conservatives: 0

MOTR/Unknown: Everyone on the Morning Show (until they get fired next week.)


Liberals: Larry King, Aaron Brown, Wolfy Blitzer, Judy Woodruff, Miles O'Brien, Kyra Phillips, James Carville, Paul Begala, Soledad O'Brien,

Conservatives: Bob Novak, Tucker Carlson

MOTR/Unknown: Paula Zahn, Lou Dobbs, Carol Costello, Bill Hemmer

Hmmm... do any of these organizations resemble a "fair and balanced" organization??? Pat Buchanon has no credibility with anyone except the lunatic fringe of the right. Joe Scarborough was only hired as a way to compete with FNC. Bob Novak is another conservative that no one cares about... along with Carlson. George Will is only on for about 15 minutes each Sunday.

How anyone can say that these news organizations are "fair and balanced" is beyond me.
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Football season!
Originally posted by 2ndAmendment
Seriously ST, you constantly spout your liberal vent without any substantive quotes or independent source to back you up. That is why you get jumped on.

Fox News is the most watched of any cable news network. They must be doing something right. They get callers from conservatives and from liberals. They don't seem to filter calls to get a slant. It seems that when they have enough calls, they take a call from each side, pretty much alternating. Sometimes I get infuriated with some of the liberal opinions I hear on Fox, not just from viewers, but from commentators.

Now, if I, a conservative extraordinaire, and you, a liberal beyond belief, can both not like Fox at some point, they must be presenting both sides - hence, fair and balanced.

Whenever I see someone talking about me being a liberal, it is pretty obvious they are clueless. I love when people read a book or newspaper, and suddenly they are an expert on everything.

Funny you guys always ask for proof, then when I provide it, you dismiss it as being "biased".
A little older, but interesting.

I still like the idea that Fox went to court to say they were not required to tell the truth... You only go to court about something like that for one reason, you aren't telling the truth... Not that hard to understand... For most of us.


I spend most of my TV time viewing news on all the networks and C-SPAN. I don't base my assessments of Liberal or Conservative on books or newpaper articles. I base it on where and when I see these folks turning up. You can say you're an Independent, when your face shows up at fundraisers for parties, at birthday parties for key party members, at think-tank meetings for particular parties, etc., you show your true colors.

I also look at their bios. Someone who attends a university known for it's political leanings, works in cities known for their political leanings, works for public officials known for their political leanings, receives awards from organizations known for their political leanings, are members of groups with known political leanings, etc., it isn't hard to figure things out.

If it walks, quacks, and swims like a duck... it's a duck.