Too Many Mikes @ The Country Store Sat


New Member
Don't miss "Too Many Mikes" at the Country Store this Saturday, April 14th! This is going to be a very special show...We've been working and practicing like crazy to make this our best show ever.

For reasons I can't say yet, this gig is giving us an opportunity to possibly take "Too Many Mikes" to the next level as a band. The more regular fans, friends, and other music lovers who come to see us, the better our chances--so be sure to bring all your friends, family, and any strangers you can grab off the street. :)

I hate having to be so secretive about what this is all about, but I promise to give the whole story as soon as it's ok to talk about it.

You can get directions and information about the bar and the band at these links:

[font=Helvetica, Arial]The Country Store:[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial]Too Many Mikes:[/font][font=Helvetica, Arial]

Hope to see you there![/font]
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New Member
I'd like to thank everyone who came out to see us at the country store. We had a great time--we'd love to hear what you thought!


MikeyBash said:
I'd like to thank everyone who came out to see us at the country store. We had a great time--we'd love to hear what you thought!

Sorry to bump this, but I was wondering if anyone has heard this band. I was invited to go and see them tonight and wanted to know if they are any good.


New Member
I'm the bass player, so I'm biased, but I think we're pretty good! Come see for yourself tonight at Boatman's. Be sure to intoduce youself to the big mike with the big guitar :)