Tooth Extraction/dentures


New Member
Hello! I hope some of you folks can give me some advice.

I went to a new dentist a few days ago and found out that my former dentist had been doing a lousy job (which I kind of suspected). Long story short - I need lots of dental work done. We are talking big money. Just to have three root canals with crowns and an implant or two on the lower right side of my mouth will cost me $4500 after insurance pays. There is no way we can afford this. Plus all my other teeth need a lot of work as well. The dental assistant wrote down two pages of notes as the dentist dictated to her the problems with each tooth. We have really good dental insurance, but the work required to get my teeth in shape will cost probably $25,000 out of pocket. The dentist was very, very understanding about trying to save my teeth and the cost involved.

I am really considering just getting dentures. I know lots of people are willing to shell out a lot of money to save their teeth, but this is just not possible for us. BTW, I am 54 and have had dental problems my whole life. Are dentures expensive to get? Please tell me it would be cheaper than all the work I need to have done! In the morning I will call our dental insurance company to find out what they cover. I guess I just need to hear from people who have been in similar situations. My parents had dentures and it didn't seem to be a big deal to them.



If I'm not mistaken, you can claim it on your income tax. Medical/Dental over a certain amount, you can claim.
If I'm not mistaken, you can claim it on your income tax. Medical/Dental over a certain amount, you can claim.

I believe it's 5-7% of your gross before you can claim, not sure of the exact numbers anymore. If you make $50,000/yr, you'd need to spend about $3500 out of pocket before there's a tax deduction.


Active Member
The Dental Implants alone are the real reason your Bill is so high. Consider getting the teeth done that need tending the most. After all of that is done, then consider Implants. Personally, I would never get an Implant because they can go bad just like teeth. If your gums aren't in good shape, there is no sense in getting them either. Consider partials, vs Implants. I had a recent visit to my Dentist, and just for four Implants, along with Bone Fill, would have cost 19 thousand dollars. Dentures are a good consideration for some, but not all people. It's up to you. There is also Care Credit that can help you with the out-of-pocket expense. There is a place in Waldorf called Thunderbird Dental Clinic that is very reasonable with Denture work, and this would be a good place for your second opinion.
Thunderbird Dental Clinic 301-645-3682
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mama to two
Thanks everyone! My new dentist is not Niebauer. I gather he is pretty expensive. Thanks for all the tips!

I wish you the best. Having problems with our teeth can be very traumatic. Also, Niebauer does work that is not necessary like filling cavities that don't exist. We have to be our own best advocate no matter what doc we go to for whatever reason. Questions are a good thing!


Salt Life
You mentioned having dental problems all your life. This may sound weird, but I'd suggest getting a full blood panel done with your doctor to see if you have an iron deficiency or possible blood disease. Blood diseases are a very common reason for teeth issues.


Active Member
You mentioned having dental problems all your life. This may sound weird, but I'd suggest getting a full blood panel done with your doctor to see if you have an iron deficiency or possible blood disease. Blood diseases are a very common reason for teeth issues.
Medications can also be a culprit, especially Thyroid medication. Also, my Mother had bad teeth due to many factors to include vitamin deficiency. I inherited her problem, but my Brother, and Sisters did not. So heredity also plays a part IMO.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I heard a lot of people are now getting dental work done overseas. I had 1 guy tell me he went to Mexico to get his work done. Claims he saved a ton of money and the dentist spoke English as he has a large US citizen clientele.


aka Mrs. Giant
I heard a lot of people are now getting dental work done overseas. I had 1 guy tell me he went to Mexico to get his work done. Claims he saved a ton of money and the dentist spoke English as he has a large US citizen clientele.

My late FIL used to caravan with other RVer's to Mexico and they'd get their dental work and eyeglasses done there. Said it was a huge savings.


Well-Known Member
Medications can also be a culprit, especially Thyroid medication.

Anti-convulsants do the same thing. I've been on Dilantin and Phenytek, in that order, for 21 years. As the days go by, dentures are becoming less of an option and more of a necessity. :burning:


New Member
You know it is funny - two of you mentioned iron deficiency and thyroid meds. I do tend to be anemic and I am on thyroid meds (about 10 years). That could definitely be a contributing factor, huh? Interesting. I will read up on that further. Thanks.