Top Cybersecurity Official Has Bad News About Ransomware Attacks That’ve Seemingly Worsened Under Biden


PREMO Member
The remarks from Chris Butera, head of Threat Hunting for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), come after the oil and meat industries have recently been hit hard by the cyberattacks that officials believe are coming from Russia.

“The ransomware actors have become more brazen,” Butera said. “They’ve started to exfiltrate data and try to extort payments.”

Butera said he expects to “continue to see” the ransomware attacks happen and he urged companies not to pay the ransoms, which is the U.S. government’s official position.



Well-Known Member
They have to track these people down and stop them-------------with prejudice.

They wont stop until they are stopped. They don't really care about the money, this is what they do for fun.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
After working in IT for 30 years in support of the Navy, I can't understand how these companies continue to be compromised. If your information is vital to continued operations, don't let it touch the outside world through the Internet. I don't remember reading anywhere that any of the latest breaches have come from within. Quit paying out huge yearly bonuses and hire a dedicated team to secure your damned data. Am I missing something obvious?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
A few well placed drone strikes would fix this issue right quick.


Well-Known Member
Maybe this is why they dont do it to Russian buisnesses.


They dont play in Russia.
No they don't. Back when the US was in Lebanon in the 80's the Muslim group at the time thought it would be smart to kidnap 2 Russian agents. 2 of the groups leadership were taken, killed and returned with certain organs cut off and placed in the likely places. Their agents were returned promptly, ALIVE.


PREMO Member
I don't remember reading anywhere that any of the latest breaches have come from within.

These are usually the result of a Spear Phishing Attack .... we have a fairly robust testing program at my employer .... and a phishing reporting system ANY suspected email can be reported to the help desk for evaluation also attatchments are filtered at the gateway and run through a virus scanner


Well-Known Member
No they don't. Back when the US was in Lebanon in the 80's the Muslim group at the time thought it would be smart to kidnap 2 Russian agents. 2 of the groups leadership were taken, killed and returned with certain organs cut off and placed in the likely places. Their agents were returned promptly, ALIVE.
I remember that, wasn't their heads removed and their junk shoved in their mouths?

I had a class with this weirdo and a Russian guy, I asked the Russian guy if they had ppl like that, his reply was "not for long"


PREMO Member
don't let it touch the outside world through the Internet.

Hackers Breached Colonial Pipeline Using Compromised Password

The hack that took down the largest fuel pipeline in the U.S. and led to shortages across the East Coast was the result of a single compromised password, according to a cybersecurity consultant who responded to the attack.

Hackers gained entry into the networks of Colonial Pipeline Co. on April 29 through a virtual private network account, which allowed employees to remotely access the company’s computer network, said Charles Carmakal, senior vice president at cybersecurity firm Mandiant, part of FireEye Inc., in an interview. The account was no longer in use at the time of the attack but could still be used to access Colonial’s network, he said.

The account’s password has since been discovered inside a batch of leaked passwords on the dark web. That means a Colonial employee may have used the same password on another account that was previously hacked, he said. However, Carmakal said he isn’t certain that’s how hackers obtained the password, and he said investigators may never know for certain how the credential was obtained.


Well-Known Member
These people need to be hunted down and destroyed.

Ransomware has been around a long time and it has been sluffed off like it was not a problem.
No one was trying to stop them and now they are creating real problems.

For far too long Hackers have been introducing virus into computers, ransomware, and other dirty tricks .
It's cost a fortune in cleaning it out of computers or buying new equipment when the old was destroyed by it.
I have never seen the thrill some sick baskard gets out of screwing up people's computers, but I like everyone else who owns one have been victimized by it. Sometimes I think the people who sell anti-virus software are the culprits.

Now they aren't in it for the fun any more, It's time we started making hacking as illegal as robbing a bank with a gun.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Hackers Breached Colonial Pipeline Using Compromised Password

The hack that took down the largest fuel pipeline in the U.S. and led to shortages across the East Coast was the result of a single compromised password, according to a cybersecurity consultant who responded to the attack.

Hackers gained entry into the networks of Colonial Pipeline Co. on April 29 through a virtual private network account, which allowed employees to remotely access the company’s computer network, said Charles Carmakal, senior vice president at cybersecurity firm Mandiant, part of FireEye Inc., in an interview. The account was no longer in use at the time of the attack but could still be used to access Colonial’s network, he said.

The account’s password has since been discovered inside a batch of leaked passwords on the dark web. That means a Colonial employee may have used the same password on another account that was previously hacked, he said. However, Carmakal said he isn’t certain that’s how hackers obtained the password, and he said investigators may never know for certain how the credential was obtained.
And there you have it. That account shouldn't exist or it should've been disabled. This is why companies need IT staff, not Bob down the hall that thinks he's a computer expert because he knows how to use Photoshop.


PREMO Member
U.S. Retrieves Some Of Ransom Paid To Colonial Pipeline Hackers

The task to retrieve the cryptocurrency from the Eastern European hacker group, DarkSide, is the first one carried out by a specialized ransomware task force formed by the Biden administration Justice Department, per the Associated Press.

“By going after an entire ecosystem that fuels ransomware and digital currency, we will continue to use all of our tools and all of our resources to increase the costs and the consequences of ransomware attacks and other cyber-enabled attacks,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said Monday at a news conference.

“Following the money remains one of the most basic, yet powerful, tools we have,” Monaco said, per CNN. “Ransom payments are the fuel that propels the digital extortion engine, and today’s announcement demonstrates that the United States will use all available tools to make these attacks more costly and less profitable for criminal enterprises.”


Well-Known Member
and why you don't reuse passwords and should be using some sort of 2FA

yup. I increment my password for every new account. Started with 11111, now im up to 88888. Somehow my accounts keep getting compromised.


Well-Known Member
I remember that, wasn't their heads removed and their junk shoved in their mouths?

I had a class with this weirdo and a Russian guy, I asked the Russian guy if they had ppl like that, his reply was "not for long"
That's what I recall of it.

I've said it in private settings many times. To win a war against gruesome people, you need to let your fighters be more gruesome.

That would have ended the Vietnam war in half the time if the DEMS just let the soldiers do what they sent them over there to do. WIN.


Well-Known Member
That's what I recall of it.

I've said it in private settings many times. To win a war against gruesome people, you need to let your fighters be more gruesome.

That would have ended the Vietnam war in half the time if the DEMS just let the soldiers do what they sent them over there to do. WIN.
Though modern America can't stomach it, the General Sherman approach is needed sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Why is it surprising that Ransomware has increased under Joe Biden.
Everything is increasing under Biden.

gas prices
Meat prices
Payments to Iran
Federal debt.