Top Gear boots Jeremy Clarkson after Assault on Producer


Lawful neutral

(CNN)—Jeremy Clarkson won't have his contract renewed as host of "Top Gear" after he apparently busted his producer's lip and verbally abused him as well, the BBC announced Wednesday.

Clarkson, who hosted one of the most-watched television shows in the world, was suspended on March 10 after what the British broadcaster previously described as a "fracas" with producer Oison Tymon on March 4.

Wednesday, the BBC released the findings of an internal investigation into the incident.

Ken MacQuarrie, who conducted the investigation, said Tymon had been "subject to an unprovoked physical and verbal attack by Jeremy Clarkson" at a hotel in North Yorkshire after a day of filming. "During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip," he said.


aka Mrs. Giant
Having watched Top Gear, I'm sure it was provoked in some way. :lol:

Such a shame though, because the show will never be the same without him. Since the Hamster and Captain Slow have other BBC shows, it will probably be canceled or they'll try to bring in all new faces. That works well for the American version. :ohwell:
What a shame that the PC police have struck again. Apparently it isn't an American affliction. I loved the show because it was "grown up" humor, apparently that gets some people's knickers in a twist, bunch of bellends!