Top State Donk Sought Bonus After Bailout


No Use for Donk Twits
Shortly before joining the Obama administration, Deputy Secretary of State Jacob J. Lew reported in a little-noticed government filing that he intended to collect a bonus for his 2008 work at Citigroup even though the Wall Street firm had just received a massive federal bailout.

Now administration officials - who expressed outrage when other bailed-out firms such as American International Group Inc. (AIG) awarded bonuses to executives - are steadfastly refusing to say whether Mr. Lew accepted the money in January or how much of his nearly $1.1 million compensation from Citigroup last year was paid in the form of bonuses.

"Like so many, Deputy Secretary Lew returned to government to serve the public. A review of his public financial disclosure report and his federal salary speaks to that commitment," State Department spokesman Robert A. Wood said, refusing to answer questions from The Washington Times about the size or date of any bonus.
Top State official sought bonus after bailout - Washington Times

Outrage at AIG executive bonuses but not this dood. Typical corruption.