TOP TEN Crosswind and Scary Aircraft Landings


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Flying into Manchester, N.H. for Thanksgiving our plane crabbed all the way in. My sister was watching from the cell phone lot and I thought we were all goners. :barf:

I had one of those flights - a puddle jumper from Chico airport to SanFran in a massive storm. You could feel the plane being blown around and I thought we were dead for sure. Not to mention that when you land at SF airport, you don't see the runway until the last second and it looked for all the world like we were going down in the Bay.

The pilot came on after landing and said, "Well that was exciting..." :lol:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I had one of those flights - a puddle jumper from Chico airport to SanFran in a massive storm. You could feel the plane being blown around and I thought we were dead for sure. Not to mention that when you land at SF airport, you don't see the runway until the last second and it looked for all the world like we were going down in the Bay.

The pilot came on after landing and said, "Well that was exciting..." :lol:

I do believe that one or two may have made it into the bay. :lol: