


Has anyone ever taken this before? One of their side effects is losing your taste buds where you can't taste carbonated beverages, everything is FLAT and tastes like water. :cds: How long before this goes away? Does your normal taste ever come back :confused:


Cleopatra Jones
Awful stuff. Some people swear by it but I had a really bad experience. I didn't have any issues with taste or weight loss but I couldn't remember $hit or concentrate. They tried other anti-convulsants after and I didn't do well on any of them. Good luck with it, I've heard that a lot of people do really well on it.


Awful stuff. Some people swear by it but I had a really bad experience. I didn't have any issues with taste or weight loss but I couldn't remember $hit or concentrate. They tried other anti-convulsants after and I didn't do well on any of them. Good luck with it, I've heard that a lot of people do really well on it.

Maybe its me but I felt like drastic mood swings too. About the taste... thing... I was drinking an O'Doules, all was fine and then halfway through it turned flat on me. I dumped it out, opened another... same thing yukc!, then opened another... same thing yuck... then another and another... I gave up and went to bed pizzed off at the makers of O'Doules or the store carrying them. Then the next morning I grab a coke... its flat as chit.... again, watered down coke... no fizz... nothing... I think maybe its the coke... I get to work and get a coke... again... flavored water.... go home last night grab a beer... watered down bud light :barf: :barf: I looked up side effects and that was one of them... well... I havn't taken one since Monday... its now Wedensday... when can I taste again? Oh and coffee tasted like cat pizz...I can see why folks would loose weight on this :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Maybe its me but I felt like drastic mood swings too. About the taste... thing... I was drinking an O'Doules, all was fine and then halfway through it turned flat on me. I dumped it out, opened another... same thing yukc!, then opened another... same thing yuck... then another and another... I gave up and went to bed pizzed off at the makers of O'Doules or the store carrying them. Then the next morning I grab a coke... its flat as chit.... again, watered down coke... no fizz... nothing... I think maybe its the coke... I get to work and get a coke... again... flavored water.... go home last night grab a beer... watered down bud light :barf: :barf: I looked up side effects and that was one of them... well... I havn't taken one since Monday... its now Wedensday... when can I taste again? Oh and coffee tasted like cat pizz...I can see why folks would loose weight on this :lmao:

Your taste will come back very soon. I tried Topomax several years ago and my Dr. warned me this would happen. I couldn't handle it and stopped taking it. I love my carbonated beverages way too much for this.


Your taste will come back very soon. I tried Topomax several years ago and my Dr. warned me this would happen. I couldn't handle it and stopped taking it. I love my carbonated beverages way too much for this.

Okay! Good to know! Thanks! :flowers: I had other effects too. If it was just the beverage issue or taste issue, I'd over look it. It would have been a good diet tool. :lol:


New Member
I took side effects, except I lost my appetite and lost about 25 lbs. I never lost taste, I just wasn't hungry, didn't want to eat anything.

Has anyone ever taken this before? One of their side effects is losing your taste buds where you can't taste carbonated beverages, everything is FLAT and tastes like water. :cds: How long before this goes away? Does your normal taste ever come back :confused:


I took side effects, except I lost my appetite and lost about 25 lbs. I never lost taste, I just wasn't hungry, didn't want to eat anything.

I dont think it affected my appetitite then again I just took the one pill and that within hours made carbonated beverages flat :crazy: then other issues :crazy: I guess I'll give it another try tonight and see if maybe it all doesnt just iron out after a few weeks. Thanks! The weight loss alone might be worth it. :lmao:


New Member
Has anyone ever taken this before? One of their side effects is losing your taste buds where you can't taste carbonated beverages, everything is FLAT and tastes like water. :cds: How long before this goes away? Does your normal taste ever come back :confused:

I am taking it now....I have been on it for about 5-6 months. Still can't do carbonated beverages, I LOVE me some diet coke, but I am slowly getting over that.
I am not too fond of the medicine, It hasnt made me any :crazy: than normal....hasn't made me lose any weight either, I was happy about that side effect, but of course that one I dont get, lol.

It sure does make me SLEEPY.

I am up to 125 mg. and still getting 1-2 migraines a week I HATE having to take it.

I see a headache specialist tomorrow, I am hopeful that she will actually want to look for the cause of my headaches and not just want to throw pills at me like the neurologist I am currently seeing.....
I guess I'll give it another try tonight and see if maybe it all doesnt just iron out after a few weeks.

How often a day are you supposed to take it? From what I read you have to take it consistently to benefit from the drug.


How often a day are you supposed to take it? From what I read you have to take it consistently to benefit from the drug.

only when the coin lands on heads - j/k :lol:

Thanks for your help! :flowers:

I'm supposed to take it 25mg once a day then up it to 50 mg after a week. I took the one pill then got a bit freaked out when I couldn't taste carbonated beverages as nothing but flavored water within a hour or so of taking it :cds:, then a little while later I got a headache, went to sleep and woke up :barf: thats what did it. I didn't know the carbonatin thing was connected until later the next day. So..:blahblah yesterday, still had carbonated bevearge issues and some major mood swings where I'd be in tears and upset at the drop of a hat - irrational thinking - well more so than usual :lol:. My nuerologist is on vacation this month. Yeah the entire month until like the 29th or something. Guess I can try it again. Unfortunately it does NOT make me tired :tantrum: :lol: So with all that said, I'm not sure if this is something I should take consistently or not... sorry for the :blahblah:
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So with all that said, I'm not sure if this is something I should take consistently or not... sorry for the :blahblah:
"This medication is also used to prevent migraine headaches and reduce how often you may get them. Topiramate will not work to treat a migraine headache once it occurs."

"Take this medication regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same times each day. Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor. Some conditions may become worse when this drug is suddenly stopped. "

No really, if you want to receive the proposed benefit of the drug, you have to take it consistently.


"This medication is also used to prevent migraine headaches and reduce how often you may get them. Topiramate will not work to treat a migraine headache once it occurs."

"Take this medication regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same times each day. Do not stop taking this medication without consulting your doctor. Some conditions may become worse when this drug is suddenly stopped. "

No really, if you want to receive the proposed benefit of the drug, you have to take it consistently.

Okay, well I just hope these side affects disappate or the taste buds come back eventually but from reading in here, you just have to get used to it.... that bites because most my caloric intake is beverages :lmao: I'll be dropping pounds left and right. :lol:


So happy!
My Neurologist took me off of it when he found out I was having a kidney stone problem. I felt a lot better when I stop taking it. It also drop my sex drive bad. I know TMI but I was just so tired and out of it I just didn't want to be bothered.


Cleopatra Jones
only when the coin lands on heads - j/k :lol:

Thanks for your help! :flowers:

I'm supposed to take it 25mg once a day then up it to 50 mg after a week. I took the one pill then got a bit freaked out when I couldn't taste carbonated beverages as nothing but flavored water within a hour or so of taking it :cds:, then a little while later I got a headache, went to sleep and woke up :barf: thats what did it. I didn't know the carbonatin thing was connected until later the next day. So..:blahblah yesterday, still had carbonated bevearge issues and some major mood swings where I'd be in tears and upset at the drop of a hat - irrational thinking - well more so than usual :lol:. My nuerologist is on vacation this month. Yeah the entire month until like the 29th or something. Guess I can try it again. Unfortunately it does NOT make me tired :tantrum: :lol: So with all that said, I'm not sure if this is something I should take consistently or not... sorry for the :blahblah:

Just so I understand.... You only took one pill? I don't think that one pill has much of an effect at all. Topomax is a medication that needs to build up in your system for a couple weeks before you get any effects positive or negative.

If you don't do great on it ask to try Neurontin. It didn't work for me but out of all the prevantative medications they tried me on the Neurontin had the least amount of side effects. I was a little tired and slow getting up in the morning but it didn't put me on my ass like a couple of the others had.


Just so I understand.... You only took one pill? I don't think that one pill has much of an effect at all. Topomax is a medication that needs to build up in your system for a couple weeks before you get any effects positive or negative.

If you don't do great on it ask to try Neurontin. It didn't work for me but out of all the prevantative medications they tried me on the Neurontin had the least amount of side effects. I was a little tired and slow getting up in the morning but it didn't put me on my ass like a couple of the others had.

See THATs just it ... it was ALL from ONE pill... :crazy: I STILL dont have my taste back and can't taste carbonated bevearges, but now that you mentioned it... I dont believe I looked at the dosages, maybe I started with the 50 instead of 25, I forgot they were in two separate px bottles :doh: but yeah ONE freakn' pill did that. That's why I stopped.

No go on the neurontin, it didn't help much for my kind of headaches, also developed a side issue with the neurontin.


New Member
You have to let your body build up a tolerence to it. It took about a week for me to get used to it. I felt kinda funny and out of it the first week, but then my body got used to it, and it's all gravy now. Nuerontin didn't do a dang thing for me. It sux.
Also, did your dr tell you to take it at night before bed? My nuerologist instucted me to take mine right before bed...that way it gets into your system while you're sleeping and it has started working by the time you wake. Try that if you aren't already...

See THATs just it ... it was ALL from ONE pill... :crazy: I STILL dont have my taste back and can't taste carbonated bevearges, but now that you mentioned it... I dont believe I looked at the dosages, maybe I started with the 50 instead of 25, I forgot they were in two separate px bottles :doh: but yeah ONE freakn' pill did that. That's why I stopped.

No go on the neurontin, it didn't help much for my kind of headaches, also developed a side issue with the neurontin.


You have to let your body build up a tolerence to it. It took about a week for me to get used to it. I felt kinda funny and out of it the first week, but then my body got used to it, and it's all gravy now. Nuerontin didn't do a dang thing for me. It sux.
Also, did your dr tell you to take it at night before bed? My nuerologist instucted me to take mine right before bed...that way it gets into your system while you're sleeping and it has started working by the time you wake. Try that if you aren't already...

Yes, I'm to take that and another med, unrelated before I go to bed, both of which are supposed to make me tired. Neither of them do. :ohwell: Good to know its not permanent. I felt like in a fog yesterday and everything was blurry too... yeah... all from ONE pill. But I could have made a mistake wtih the starter dosage. I bet that was it. Will give another try tonight. Thakns all for the suggestions! :flowers:


Busy night tonight, but long story short, still no flavor back on cokes and beverages with carbonation... nothing but flavored water still and its now been over two days... I checked the meds... I was supposed to do 25mg for 30 days THEN do 50mg.. . I accidentally took a 50 :ohwell: I wouldn't expect it to be that strong of a reaction... but still no taste yet :tantrum: But didn't want to discourage other topamax users by my thread... I goofed. :doh: My issue, my problem :stupid: