

Is there anyone on this medication that has or is suffering with anxiety? My daughter has been on this medication for migraines for almost 2 years and is more and more suffering from anxiety issues. Certainly I will be talking with her Dr. about this but was wondering if anyone has suffered from this as well while on this medication?


So happy!
I was on it for 3 years and never really had a problem with. The only reason my Dr took me off of it was because it can cause kidney problems and I was getting kidney stones.


Well-Known Member
I have a family member that uses this daily for migraines. The only symptom she says she gets is a bad taste in her mouth when she drinks carbonated beverages. :shrug:


That's surprising. I've heard it referred to as Dopomax cause it makes people slow and loopy. Maybe the anxiety is a separate issue. It's not uncommon. But then again, everyone reacts to medication differently.

What my docs have always told me: If it came about when you started the meds, it might have something to do with it, but if you've been on it for an extended period of time and are just now experiencing problems, it's most likely unrelated. Unless of course, you haven't been taking your meds regularly, and not allowing the medication to build up a steady level in your system.
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New Member
Is there anyone on this medication that has or is suffering with anxiety? My daughter has been on this medication for migraines for almost 2 years and is more and more suffering from anxiety issues. Certainly I will be talking with her Dr. about this but was wondering if anyone has suffered from this as well while on this medication?

You should talk to Pixie.


Cleopatra Jones
You should talk to Pixie.

I'm biased when it comes to any anti-convulsant. Julz, if her headaches are frequent enough that she needs to take a preventative than maybe you should consider exploring other options. I was in high school when all my migraine crap started and 15 years of medication can not be great for the body. When not medicated, how often does she get headaches?


New Member
I take Topomax every day and have for quite a number of years (at least 5, probably closer to 8). The only time I had problems with it was when a new neurologist wanted to increase the dosage and it made me "fuzzy" in the head. Once we backed it down again, that all went away and all has been fine since. I will also say that I have been under treatment for TMJ for quite a few years and as soon as my treatment is finished (hopefully by the end of the year), I will then start to wean off of it and see how things go. There is also a hormonal component to my migraines, but if I only have to deal with the once a month thing from now on, I would rather do that than take meds every day.


Going back to the stars
Is there anyone on this medication that has or is suffering with anxiety? My daughter has been on this medication for migraines for almost 2 years and is more and more suffering from anxiety issues. Certainly I will be talking with her Dr. about this but was wondering if anyone has suffered from this as well while on this medication?

I've never taken this medication, but it looks like from the side effects, anxiety is a common one.

Topamax( Topiramate ) data sheet

If it works good for migraines maybe her doctor could give her xanax or something of that nature to help with the anxiety attacks.


New Member

I was prescribed this med for some neuro issues I was having back in 2004...There was a little bit of dopey spaciness, but not bad. Though mainly an anti-seizure drug, it has been shown to be effective for depression, migraine and weight loss (and maybe other stuff as well).

During the 2 years that I took Topamax, I dropped a well-needed 40 lbs. without really trying. The pounds just slowly came off while I maintained a fairly steady contented mood. Sorry to hear of your daughter's anxiety. It may just NOT be the seemingly benign Topamax, but something else. Best of luck!


Walking for a cure!!
I was on Topomax for about a year. I was loosing hair by the handful.
Something to look into for migraine relief that has really helped me is a vitamin supplement called MigRelief. It has vitamin B-2, Magnesium and Feverfew. No "drugs" or chemicals. My neurologist recommended it. It had made a huge difference in the legenth and severity of my migraines. And the best thing of all no side effects. Migraine Headache Relief MigreLief


I'm biased when it comes to any anti-convulsant. Julz, if her headaches are frequent enough that she needs to take a preventative than maybe you should consider exploring other options. I was in high school when all my migraine crap started and 15 years of medication can not be great for the body. When not medicated, how often does she get headaches?

Well she's being weined off the Topomax now and we will see how she does without it. She started getting migraines about 18 months ago. Her first onset came abruptly and lasted several days. Once she was correctly diagnosed there was no rhyme or reason to when they would occur. When we finally saw the neurologist she was prescribed the Topomax (preventative) with the Immitrex (migraine relief).