Spell check does NOT work for those with dyslexia...but you are too perfect to know that.
Go read more about the visual issues of being dyslexic. If you care to learn Mr. Perfect Speller.
Just stop being a member of the Spelling Police and all will be well.
Hmm, from what I read, it's not that don't work, they don't always work as well for dyslexics as they do for non-dyslexics, mostly due to two factors, one being that dyslexics make uncommon spelling errors, outside of the bounds that a spell checker will find the correct word, and the other being that a dyslexic can have trouble picking the correct word from the suggestions list. With a finding that dyslexics pick the right one %84 of the time if it's at the top of the list, and only %74 of the time if it is not the first choice.
There, I learned something today I didn't know. And all because, for the first time ever, I corrected someone spelling.