Touch your privates in private, court says........


Ubi bene ibi patria
Touch your privates in private, court tells Italian men

"In a landmark judgement with far-reaching social implications, Italy's highest appeals court has ruled it is a criminal offence for Italian men to touch their genitals in public.

The judges of the court of cassation stressed that the ban did not just apply to brazen crotch-scratching, but also to what might be termed superstitious pre-emption. Anyone who has seen a hearse go past in Italy, or been part of a discussion in which some terrible illness or disaster is mentioned, will know it is traditional for men to ward off bad luck with a quick grab at what are delicately called their "attributi"."

Italy's highest appeals court has ruled it is a criminal offence for Italian men to touch their genitals in public | World news |


No Use for Donk Twits
My Gawd! I thought the original poster was telling us he'd touch our privates in public. Need another beer! Need another beer! Need another beer! Need another beer!


New Member
Its a good thing we dont have that law here, If we did they would arrest Obama for holding his hands over his crotch.

Things are getting pretty bad when a man cant check his package without fear of arrest.


Free to Fly
Its a good thing we dont have that law here, If we did they would arrest Obama for holding his hands over his crotch.

Things are getting pretty bad when a man cant check his package without fear of arrest.

I hear what you're saying but you have to admit some of these guys "check their package" so often you have to wonder if their afraid it's only held on with Elmer's glue or something!