Townsend Attacked on Gun Checks



To the specs given to me for posting :wink:

By Craig Whitlock
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 24, 2002; Page B01

Rep. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. ripped his gubernatorial rival yesterday for Maryland's failure to check the criminal backgrounds of hundreds of people applying to buy guns, taking the offensive on an issue that has dogged his campaign for weeks.

Ehrlich's campaign also unveiled a sharply negative television ad that criticizes Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D) and her broader record on crime and gun control. Staff members said the ad would begin airing today in Baltimore and in the Washington region tomorrow.

Rich of Waldorf

New Member
Way to go, Ehrlich!

I am so glad Ehrlich's campaign is gaining momentum and he is now ahead of Townsend in the gallop polls. But for those of you who support Ehrlich, we must continue with our efforts. Townsend has reportedly been colluding with jailers in Baltimore to get inmates to register and vote for her with absentee ballots. Continue to support Ehrlich verbally with your family and friends, and most of all, SHOW UP TO VOTE FOR HIM ON NOVEMBER 5!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Re: Way to go, Ehrlich!

Townsend has reportedly been colluding with jailers in Baltimore to get inmates to register and vote for her with absentee ballots. [/B]

This is a topic KKT should be questioned about too.


I hate mudslinging. My opinion of Ehrlich has now gone down. Politicians should stand on their own deeds, not wallow in someone else’s failures.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Warron
I hate mudslinging. My opinion of Ehrlich has now gone down. Politicians should stand on their own deeds, not wallow in someone else’s failures.
Ok... But KKT's mudslingin doesn't bother you? :rolleyes:

Personally I think someone’s record, in the offices they sought and served, is not only "fair game" but also its relevance is #1.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Warron, you can't be serious. How would anyone know about this stuff if Ehrlich hadn't have brought it up? KKKT sure isn't going to tell you. The Washington Post has endorsed her so THEY sure aren't going to tell you. I don't consider that mudslinging - it's merely a candidate pointing out why their opponent isn't as great as they keep saying they are.

And what about all the attack ads the KKKT crew is doing? Hers aren't even based on fact - just some silly thing that she's embellishing to make it sound worse.


Originally posted by Kyle
Ok... But KKT's mudslingin doesn't bother you? :rolleyes:

I never said I liked Townsend or any action she has ever taken, I only said my opinion of Ehrlich had gone down. If there is something that needs to be said about another candidates poor record, I'd prefer it be put out by a less biased source (not sure if such a thing exists, but I would prefer it). I consider any negative comment made by one candidate about another to be mudslinging. Like I said, stand on your own deeds.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by vraiblonde

And what about all the attack ads the KKKT crew is doing? Hers aren't even based on fact - just some silly thing that she's embellishing to make it sound worse.

You mean, how her complaint about some issues is that they come from the right wing, as if that alone means it's bad news? Or that gun control and abortion are issues upon which there's only one sensible response, ("he voted AGAINST gun control" - yes, your point being?) despite the clear division in the nation over the issues?

Rich of Waldorf

New Member
Voice Your Opinion At The Polls On Nov. 5

All you Ehrlich supporters out there, just voice your opinion by showing up at the polls on Tuesday, November 5 to vote. Folks, this is going to be the closest Governor race in Maryland in MANY years. Most southern Maryland voters endorse Ehrlich, and we are going to need EVERY ONE OF THOSE VOTES because Townsend has very much support in Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties. The most recent poll I have seen in yesterday's Washington Post says that 47% of likely voters in Maryland would vote for Ehrlich, 47% would vote for Townsend, and 6% were undecided. Folks, if you support Ehrlich, PLEASE help the campaign by VOTING FOR EHRLICH on November 5. Also, try to persuade those undecided voters to vote for him also. Furthermore, don't give up on trying to talk people out of voting for Townsend, because even a considerable portion of those who support her have doubts about her abilities (I mean, just listen to her public speeches...the way she talks in circles and gets easily flustered makes George W. Bush sound like Laurence Olivier).


New Member
Re: Voice Your Opinion At The Polls On Nov. 5

Originally posted by Rich of Waldorf
All you Ehrlich supporters out there, just voice your opinion by showing up at the polls on Tuesday, November 5 to vote. Folks, this is going to be the closest Governor race in Maryland in MANY years. Most southern Maryland voters endorse Ehrlich, and we are going to need EVERY ONE OF THOSE VOTES because Townsend has very much support in Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties. The most recent poll I have seen in yesterday's Washington Post says that 47% of likely voters in Maryland would vote for Ehrlich, 47% would vote for Townsend, and 6% were undecided. Folks, if you support Ehrlich, PLEASE help the campaign by VOTING FOR EHRLICH on November 5. Also, try to persuade those undecided voters to vote for him also. Furthermore, don't give up on trying to talk people out of voting for Townsend, because even a considerable portion of those who support her have doubts about her abilities (I mean, just listen to her public speeches...the way she talks in circles and gets easily flustered makes George W. Bush sound like Laurence Olivier).

We did just that now didn't we Rich!:clap: :getdown: :dance:


For what it's worth, I think this whole issue was much ado about nothing. There was no long line of criminals just waiting for Maryland to stop doing background checks so that they could rush out and buy a gun. Odds are that no criminals were sold a gun as a result of this action.