

Throwing the deuces
I saw a picture of someone who apparently had a tracheotomy but now has a gapping hole. Although I am sure it's healed over, I figured doctors would close the skin on the neck so you couldn't even tell. It's really creepy. I am sure he's asked all the time, "WTF happened to your neck??"

BTW, before you ask to see the picture, I can't. It's a mugshot and I enjoy receiving a paycheck every two weeks.


I bowl overhand
I've seen people like that before, and I think it has to do with throat cancer or other cancers of the throat.

One i saw always taped gauze over the hole so it wasn't as obvious. (like the gauze flappin in the breeze every time he exhaled wasn't obvious).

Of course it was always cool to see the cigarette smoke billowing out of his neck too.


Throwing the deuces
I've seen people like that before, and I think it has to do with throat cancer or other cancers of the throat.

One i saw always taped gauze over the hole so it wasn't as obvious. (like the gauze flappin in the breeze every time he exhaled wasn't obvious).

Of course it was always cool to see the cigarette smoke billowing out of his neck too.

Oh, ok. That might explain it. Still creepy looking though.


Well-Known Member
There was a very nice man with a hole in his trach that used to come into the store where I used to work. He had a permanent cannula or something to keep the hole open. He had to cover it with his finger to talk. I thought it was cool!! He was a super nice guy, too.


Throwing the deuces
There was a very nice man with a hole in his trach that used to come into the store where I used to work. He had a permanent cannula or something to keep the hole open. He had to cover it with his finger to talk. I thought it was cool!! He was a super nice guy, too.

I asked one of the SGTs over at the jail just now about him. Yes, it was throat cancer and he has to depress the hole to talk but..... SGT says that it bleeds when he does that so as he's talking, his finger is getting all bloody. Ewww! :barf: Sooooooo glad I ask him about this guy. :rolleyes: