New Member
My wife and I are thinking about selling our car. We love it,have never had a problem with it,save for one - and it is a big one for us. We bought our car brand new in 2009,and since then have put tires on it about 6-7 times. It requires a special size which is a ##### to find and expensive,and on top of that they are very low profile and wear out fast - they have only one crappy manufacturer as well. On top of it all,the least thing that may have needed a plug or a patch on a regular tire necessitates replacement because of the low profile. I'm sick of it,especially considering we bought this vehicle for our daughter to take with her to college in a year. I don't want her on the other side of the country worrying about replacing the tires all the time. We are at a point where we are damn near exactly even and what we owe is the same as the trade in value. Is this the time to sell/trade? Or would we be making a mistake?