Traffic backed up N bound 4 at Calvert Cliffs


New Member
AK-74me said:
Anyone with Info.?

From what I heard on the scanner shots were fired and the cop said he shot the guy....25 year old with gun shot wound to the upper stomach lower chest area no exit wound....flew him to shock trauma


cuddlybbw said:
From what I heard on the scanner shots were fired and the cop said he shot the guy....25 year old with gun shot wound to the upper stomach lower chest area no exit wound....flew him to shock trauma

What the guy do?


Wow. There has been quite a few violent crimes lately.


chernmax said:
10 miles over the speed limit... :whistle:


Shoot...I got pulled over for 8 over...lucky it wasn't 10! They are crazy in sits in camo and 9 of them wait in cars the next road up to get you.


"Typical White Person"
Ok, I got the Info.

one of the k-9 cops, (don't wanna say which one yet) shot a guy.

this guy not sure which one it is yet but they are from a family here in Calvert that have had many run-ins with the law.

Don't know the circumstances yet as far as why he had to shoot him.
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Big Poppa
I was wondering what happened, was coming off st. leonard rd and there where about 15 cop cars on the side of the road. COuldnt see much just a jeep facing the wrong way.

I thought they where doing massive traffic stops.


Go Braves!
jac said:

Shoot...I got pulled over for 8 over...lucky it wasn't 10! They are crazy in sits in camo and 9 of them wait in cars the next road up to get you.
Ha, many years ago my husband got pulled over in Dunkirk for doing 6 over the speed limit:jet:


"Typical White Person"
mike44md said:
Whatever did happen on the scene, the suspect ended up getting shot in the back. I just hope it wasnt the same K9 officer that had a collision with a drunk driver the other day if it was I would have to take some time off to rethink my career.

In that news 4 link, you see that police Blazer, that is the vehicle this deputy typically drives so I would say no that is not the same one that just got into the accident.

Also if any of you are familar with that house on the right at the begining of Cove Point Road, just down a few hundred yards from the park entrance, that is the house that the suspect(?) is from. Any of you familar with that house know the problems they have had and what goes on there.