Trans-gendered & serving


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I don't know where they got the figure of 15K plus trans-gendered service members. I would think the number would barely be in the 100s. Either way this is an interesting couple. No way would I have imagined the air force member being born a female. Not to get too graphic but if both are pre-op then they can function as a normal couple except the 'pitcher' & 'cathcer' roles are reversed. Different strokes. If they can do the job then let them serve.

serving proudly


Well-Known Member
Psychological eval and out the door. Get them professional help to cure their mental illness.

I'm with you. They aren't wired right. Simple: Man has parts that fit in woman and naturally wants to date woman. Woman has receptacle designed to receive males part and naturally wants to receive said equipment. man is born with parts he wants to keep and use on woman. Woman is born with parts she wants to keep and have used by man.

I'm not saying they can't do the job but the fact remains that they aren't wired correctly and as a result I would never be 100% confident that they'll always make the right decision.


Active Member
Having served in the military I can truthfully say the gays I knew in the military were a lot smarter than the average service members. I agree with Monello that 15K is a bit high for the number of trans gendered members but would not be find it hard to believe there are 15K gays in the military. Not all are open about their preferences.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where they got the figure of 15K plus trans-gendered service members. I would think the number would barely be in the 100s. Either way this is an interesting couple. No way would I have imagined the air force member being born a female. Not to get too graphic but if both are pre-op then they can function as a normal couple except the 'pitcher' & 'cathcer' roles are reversed. Different strokes. If they can do the job then let them serve.

serving proudly

I've asked a few of the officers that I know, how are they going to address grooming standards. How do you discipline a soldier/sailor/airman that needs a shave but is wearing a skirt? :barf:


Well-Known Member
Having served in the military I can truthfully say the gays I knew in the military were a lot smarter than the average service members. I agree with Monello that 15K is a bit high for the number of trans gendered members but would not be find it hard to believe there are 15K gays in the military. Not all are open about their preferences.

Sounds like your chain of command was broke. How could you know your mates were gay in a don't ask, don't tell military?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I don't know where they got the figure of 15K plus trans-gendered service members. I would think the number would barely be in the 100s. Either way this is an interesting couple. No way would I have imagined the air force member being born a female. Not to get too graphic but if both are pre-op then they can function as a normal couple except the 'pitcher' & 'cathcer' roles are reversed. Different strokes. If they can do the job then let them serve.

serving proudly

Your link is to a Facebook page.

I'm wondering how TG service members are getting into the military. Wouldn't they need a medical waiver? Those are getting screened pretty severely these days, for a lot of reasons. Seems to me that a TG person would have a lot of medical issues the military wouldn't want to take on, not to mention required to take medication, etc. to deal with psychological issues.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Sounds like your chain of command was broke. How could you know your mates were gay in a don't ask, don't tell military?

How did you come to this conclusion? As far as how you could tell in the DADT navy, I could point out a half dozen before they came out and another few that still haven't.


Well-Known Member
How did you come to this conclusion? As far as how you could tell in the DADT navy, I could point out a half dozen before they came out and another few that still haven't.

I wasn't referring to guesses or assumptions. Under the rules, if they disclosed they were gay they were supposed to be investigated and out processed/court martialed. That was the compromise with don't ask, don't tell.


New Member
Sounds like your chain of command was broke. How could you know your mates were gay in a don't ask, don't tell military?

As a squadron, we would train for a year and deploy for six months- and got to be a family. Everybody knew who the gay boys and girls were, and as long as the work was done in a professional manner, nobody much gave a sh!t what occurred behind closed doors between consenting adults. Now it seems that "In Your Face You Must Accept My Weirdness" is the new norm, and its not going to work.


I'm with you. They aren't wired right. Simple: Man has parts that fit in woman and naturally wants to date woman. Woman has receptacle designed to receive males part and naturally wants to receive said equipment. man is born with parts he wants to keep and use on woman. Woman is born with parts she wants to keep and have used by man.

I'm not saying they can't do the job but the fact remains that they aren't wired correctly and as a result I would never be 100% confident that they'll always make the right decision.

I agreed with you up to the last sentence. How can you be 100% sure ANYONE will ALWAYS make the right decision?


New Member
Having served in the military I can truthfully say the gays I knew in the military were a lot smarter than the average service members. I agree with Monello that 15K is a bit high for the number of trans gendered members but would not be find it hard to believe there are 15K gays in the military. Not all are open about their preferences.

Homosexuals are not confused about their gender, a BIG difference.