Trans Shooters And Reactions


PREMO Member
Trans Activists Blame Right-Wingers, Christians In Aftermath Of Nashville School Shooting

Eli Erlick, a Ph.D. candidate in feminist studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz and co-founder and former director of Trans Student Educational Resources, wrote on Twitter Tuesday that the school was a “right-wing institution” and claimed that Hale had been abused while she had attended the school.

“As we learn more, it’s clear the Nashville Covenant School is a right-wing institution in which Audrey Hale and many others were abused,” Erlick wrote. “Obviously, this isn’t an excuse to attack it. But there are problems with deregulating religious schools + the US’s lack of mental healthcare.”

After Daily Mail published an article about the tweet, Erlick doubled down and said in another post that the way to “prevent tragedies” such as the Nashville shooting in the future was by “regulating religious schools, firing pastors that abuse students, mandating queer and trans curriculum, and providing free mental healthcare.”

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Well-Known Member
I read that sentence "The second, and more complex tragedy" in the tweet above as "The second, and more important tragedy... ." Maybe it's just me, but there seems to be a clear subtext.

As I pointed out to Tranny on another thread, the left does not give a rat's ass about their pets; sexual deviants, children, the elderly, people of any color other than white, except as political tools to be used to divide, alienate, and castigate their political "enemies."


Well-Known Member

Trans Activists Blame Right-Wingers, Christians In Aftermath Of Nashville School Shooting

Eli Erlick, a Ph.D. candidate in feminist studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz and co-founder and former director of Trans Student Educational Resources, wrote on Twitter Tuesday that the school was a “right-wing institution” and claimed that Hale had been abused while she had attended the school.

“As we learn more, it’s clear the Nashville Covenant School is a right-wing institution in which Audrey Hale and many others were abused,” Erlick wrote. “Obviously, this isn’t an excuse to attack it. But there are problems with deregulating religious schools + the US’s lack of mental healthcare.”

After Daily Mail published an article about the tweet, Erlick doubled down and said in another post that the way to “prevent tragedies” such as the Nashville shooting in the future was by “regulating religious schools, firing pastors that abuse students, mandating queer and trans curriculum, and providing free mental healthcare.”

Hey Human Rights Campaign. what violence was done to this she/he that caused them to shoot up a school.


PREMO Member
Those kids who were killed - what did they do? How did they oppress transies and make them have the sadz?

ANY CHRISTIAN Oppressor or their family members deserves death, like an Infidel to a Muslim

The response is Cultist or Fundamentalist

look all of the Rhetoric coming from the trans groups ... Oppose Medical Treatment for Children- you are ERASING Trans people


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ANY CHRISTIAN Oppressor or their family members deserves death, like an Infidel to a Muslim

The response is Cultist or Fundamentalist

look all of the Rhetoric coming from the trans groups ... Oppose Medical Treatment for Children- you are ERASING Trans people

But Democrats always go after kids. They're low hanging fruit and easy to manipulate, and they can't fight back. If someone over the age of 18 wants to surgery themselves into a wombat, more power to 'em. My problem is with victimizing children.


Well-Known Member
But Democrats always go after kids. They're low hanging fruit and easy to manipulate, and they can't fight back. If someone over the age of 18 wants to surgery themselves into a wombat, more power to 'em. My problem is with victimizing children.

Republicans want to defend the rights of children to avoid these people. Democrats want to force them on chidren because they think they need it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Republicans want to defend the rights of children to avoid these people. Democrats want to force them on chidren because they think they need it.

Because having an adult twerking in their face and giving them a lap dance will make them more tolerant. :yay:

Being sexually molested always makes kids more tolerant of their abuser, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
How can anyone with good common sense vote against the Parents rights bill that Republicans passed?
You will have to ask the Democrat cultists that voted against it.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Erlick doubled down and said in another post that the way to “prevent tragedies” such as the Nashville shooting in the future was by “regulating religious schools, firing pastors that abuse students, mandating queer and trans curriculum, and providing free mental healthcare.”
So does that include schools of the muslim persuasion that teach male students to treat women as property?

The Nation teaches that there has been a succession of mortal gods, each a black man named Allah, of whom Fard Muhammad is the most recent. It claims that the first Allah created the earliest humans, the Arabic-speaking, dark-skinned Tribe of Shabazz, whose members possessed inner divinity and from whom all people of color are descended. It maintains that a scientist named Yakub then created the white race. The whites lacked inner divinity, and were intrinsically violent; they overthrew the Tribe of Shabazz and achieved global dominance. Setting itself against the white-dominated society of the United States, the NOI campaigns for the creation of an independent African American nation-state, and calls for African Americans to be economically self-sufficient and separatist. A millenarian tradition, it maintains that Fard Muhammad will soon return aboard a spaceship, the "Mother Plane" or "Mother Ship," to wipe out the white race and establish a utopia. Practitioners are expected to live disciplined lives, adhering to strict dress codes, specific dietary requirements, and patriarchal gender roles.

Imagine any other religion that held these beliefs except that the race roles were reversed.


You are known by the company you keep.


Well-Known Member
The other night, Tucker reminded us what we should have remembered - three of the last several mass shooters have been disgruntled trans.

So cry me a river about abuse - all of us have been abused, but I don't buy the bullchit about why it's ok to commit mass murder because you were abused.


Well-Known Member
The other night, Tucker reminded us what we should have remembered - three of the last several mass shooters have been disgruntled trans.

So cry me a river about abuse - all of us have been abused, but I don't buy the bullchit about why it's ok to commit mass murder because you were abused.
Were they actually abused or just not acknowledged? In other words, are they saying because they don't get their way they are abused? Because I haven't seen or heard of any actual abuse, just people telling them they can't have their way.
I asked my boss for a raise and was told no. Doesn't that count as abuse?
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