Trans Shooters And Reactions


Well-Known Member
The other night, Tucker reminded us what we should have remembered - three of the last several mass shooters have been disgruntled trans.

So cry me a river about abuse - all of us have been abused, but I don't buy the bullchit about why it's ok to commit mass murder because you were abused.
Kind of goes along with my theory is the media is driving mass shootings by making the people famous.
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The Nation teaches that there has been a succession of mortal gods, each a black man named Allah, of whom Fard Muhammad is the most recent. It claims that the first Allah created the earliest humans, the Arabic-speaking, dark-skinned Tribe of Shabazz, whose members possessed inner divinity and from whom all people of color are descended. It maintains that a scientist named Yakub then created the white race. The whites lacked inner divinity, and were intrinsically violent; they overthrew the Tribe of Shabazz and achieved global dominance. Setting itself against the white-dominated society of the United States, the NOI campaigns for the creation of an independent African American nation-state, and calls for African Americans to be economically self-sufficient and separatist. A millenarian tradition, it maintains that Fard Muhammad will soon return aboard a spaceship, the "Mother Plane" or "Mother Ship," to wipe out the white race and establish a utopia. Practitioners are expected to live disciplined lives, adhering to strict dress codes, specific dietary requirements, and patriarchal gender roles.

Sounds a little like Scientology. It appears that this Shabazz dude named Yakub created the white folks too smart but when old Fart errrr!! Fard comes back the sh1t is on. Obama does dress nice and he doesn't eat anything Wagu beef, but that Patriarchal role doesn't fit him too well and Mike Obama isn't going to go over too well with Fard either. Does anyone else wonder where old Fard flew off too when he left .


How can anyone with good common sense vote against the Parents rights bill that Republicans passed?
You will have to ask the Democrat cultists that voted against it.

exactly - trans can do what they want but like I said in a previous thread, transitioning isn't for children, PERIOD. It doesn't belong in our schools. Seriously, what's next? A kid wants to be a pirate, so we remove an eye, give them a wooden leg, and a hook for a hand? When does it stop?

What truly irks me is the teachers want to sexualize children, yet many students are graduating without the basics. I was a supervisor who read reports for court approval and had to check math on restitution owed. I'm hearing impaired, in fact, I am legally deaf in one ear and just below that mark in the other. I spent my elementary school years in speech therapy, so I am a long way from being an English scholar. If I see the errors, it is truly a problem, and when I was thought to be one of the better writers in my department, there is a big problem. I couldn't believe these writers graduated from college. As to the math, OMG, I couldn't believe how many people foiled percentages and monthly payment plans. Math I will say was always my strong quality.


PREMO Member

Gov. Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after controversial tweet following Nashville mass shooting

Berry posted the tweet, which featured a screencap of the 1980s film “Gloria” with a woman holding two guns with the caption reading; “Us when we see transphobes.” Hours later, critics, primarily those from the conservative branches of the Arizona legislature, called the tweet disturbing and highly inappropriate. By Tuesday night, the Arizona Freedom Caucus, a right-leaning group, called on Hobbs to fire Berry.

News of the tweet spread on social media feeds and popular blogs, including the New York Post and the Daily Mail. Ultimately, Twitter removed the post, with a notice saying that Berry had violated the platform’s rules.


PREMO Member

Pro-Transgender Activists Seek to Hide School Shooter’s Manifesto

While Republicans such as Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) are calling for the manifesto to be released, several LGBT organizations are calling for the manifesto to remain hidden from the public.

The executive director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE) Jordan Budd stated, “It should not be published.” Budd also pivoted away from the shooter’s motive and directed the focus on firearm ownership, saying, “The focus should be on how this was able to happen in the first place. There should not be such easy access to deadly weaponry.”



PREMO Member

Trans ‘Day of Vengeance’ Rallies Will Move Forward and Take Place at Supreme Court This Weekend Despite Christian School Mass Shooting


The trans “Day of Vengeance” rallies will take place this weekend at the US Supreme Court despite the shooting Monday at a Christian School in Nashville by a trans male who murdered three adults and three children.



PREMO Member

'Trans Day of Vengeance' WILL go ahead at Supreme Court despite Nashville school trans shooter Audrey Hale killing six

An activist group is due to hold a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' demonstration outside the Supreme Court on Saturday, warning against 'astronomical amounts of hate from the world' and following the horrifying Nashville shooting which left seven dead on Monday.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) will host the event in Washington D.C. from 31 March until 2 April, starting Friday and marching on the Supreme Court at 11am on Saturday. On their website they cite Gender Affirming care ban bills and the political climate as motives for the demonstration.

But commentators are up in arms over the decision to go ahead with the protest as police say they are investigating the role of Nashville shooter Audrey Hale's gender identity and a sense of 'resentment' that may have inspired the attack on the shooter's Christian former school.

Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene yesterday demanded her Twitter account be restored after features were limited for violating rules.

She said: 'My Congressional account was suspended for 7 days for exposing Antifa, who are organizing a call for violence called "Trans Day of Vengeance."

'The day after the mass murder of children by a trans shooter. Restore my account immediately.'

Ian Miles Cheong wrote that 'Twitter is now cracking down on those who promote the "Trans Day of Vengeance" poster, which mostly comprises of trans militants who are calling for a day of mass violence.'

Twitter's Trust and Safety lead, Ella Irwin, responded: 'Correct. We had to automatically sweep our platform and remove >5000 tweets/retweets of this poster.


Well-Known Member
Kind of goes along with my theory is the media is driving mass shootings by making the people famous.
That was part of Gutfeld's bit last night - that a MASSIVE media coverage, 24/7 where - with minimal NEW material - they endlessly drone on about the event, about their families, friends, body cam coverage, stuff they wrote - they manage to put ANYTHING on the air.

Hence, the notoriety given - and Greg said, what do these folks crave? Infamy. Hence, once the story breaks, there's copycats. OTHERS who want the same attention.

And Tyrus added - the blame - is you - us - for watching. Because it's the coverage that drives the media to do it.

But Greg called the media to do something they won't do - but he pointed to something they ALREADY do - *minimize* coverage of SUICIDES. THAT, I didn't know.


Well-Known Member
"Day of Vengeance"? If anyone needs vengeance, it's the parents of the three children murdered. There's no way in the whole universe those kids ever did anything.


PREMO Member

Like Muslims, Trans Terrorists Are Lashing Out Due to ‘Grievances’

After stating the bare-bone facts of the act of terrorism, the media and other talking heads invoke “Muslim grievances” — because of burned copies of the Koran, because of Israel’s existence, because of the crusades and colonialism, because of racism, xenophobia, and “Islamophobia,” etc., etc. This goes on and on with the aim of getting the unsuspecting viewer to conclude, “Well, guess I can’t blame Muslims for lashing out like that…”

And now the establishment is responding in the same exact way concerning the Nashville massacre. Once the identity of the murderer was confirmed as “trans,” all of the usual talking heads came out to report the bare bone facts, yes, but even more so to highlight trans “grievances” — which apparently prompted this act of “frustration.”

Paul Joseph Watson put together a brief video with numerous excerpts highlighting this parallel treatment. It includes a media statement arguing that the trans murderer’s life was made difficult by anti-trans legislation, and concludes with, “hate has consequences.” Similarly, after reporting on the Nashville murders and the trans identity of the murderer, ABC News’ Terry Moran in the same breath stressed that “earlier this month Tennessee passed a bill banning transgender care for minors” — again, implying a “cause and effect” relationship. According to this “logic,” because Tennessee banned what in effect is the sexual mutilation of children, a trans person only naturally sought vengeance.


Well-Known Member
Were they actually abused or just not acknowledged?
It's just conjecture, unless there's something in the much ballyhooed "manifesto" the perp wrote, which the authorities are going to great lengths to KEEP from us. I don't see what is to be served by that except give them time to SCRUB it for stuff they don't want the public to see.

As much as we worry about Chinese and communists influencing and infiltrating our government - it's doing that all by itself.


Well-Known Member

Gov. Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after controversial tweet following Nashville mass shooting

Berry posted the tweet, which featured a screencap of the 1980s film “Gloria” with a woman holding two guns with the caption reading; “Us when we see transphobes.” Hours later, critics, primarily those from the conservative branches of the Arizona legislature, called the tweet disturbing and highly inappropriate. By Tuesday night, the Arizona Freedom Caucus, a right-leaning group, called on Hobbs to fire Berry.

News of the tweet spread on social media feeds and popular blogs, including the New York Post and the Daily Mail. Ultimately, Twitter removed the post, with a notice saying that Berry had violated the platform’s rules.

Resigns instead of being fired. Then they quietly find her another job in the administration.


Well-Known Member
It's just conjecture, unless there's something in the much ballyhooed "manifesto" the perp wrote, which the authorities are going to great lengths to KEEP from us. I don't see what is to be served by that except give them time to SCRUB it for stuff they don't want the public to see.

As much as we worry about Chinese and communists influencing and infiltrating our government - it's doing that all by itself.

They want to avoid trans bashing that will happen if some of the things she/he posted come out. It also ruins the media push to normalize trans.


Well-Known Member
They want to avoid trans bashing that will happen if some of the things she/he posted come out. It also ruins the media push to normalize trans.
Odd, that somehow, none of the media have refrained from the event "Trans Day of Vengeance" planned for Saturday in DC at SCOTUS.

You can bet 100% if it was a gun rally with a similar name, the media would go ballistic (pun intended).

But in the wake of Nashville - the ones calling for venegeance ought to be the PARENTS OF THOSE THREE KIDS.
No amount of mistreatment of trans calls for the murder of nine-year-olds.


Well-Known Member
Odd, that somehow, none of the media have refrained from the event "Trans Day of Vengeance" planned for Saturday in DC at SCOTUS.

You can bet 100% if it was a gun rally with a similar name, the media would go ballistic (pun intended).

But in the wake of Nashville - the ones calling for venegeance ought to be the PARENTS OF THOSE THREE KIDS.
No amount of mistreatment of trans calls for the murder of nine-year-olds.

Has the SC done something to cause this rally .?

And doesn't vengeance mean to get even. How do they plan that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Is there a rush on Christians killing trans people? You'd think the news would be covering that, because the Democrats are saying trans people are just trying to defend themselves against Christians, and yet all I see is the trans people doing the killing.


Well-Known Member
Is there a rush on Christians killing trans people? You'd think the news would be covering that, because the Democrats are saying trans people are just trying to defend themselves against Christians, and yet all I see is the trans people doing the killing.
I don't say this when we're home, watching TV, and the shows are showing white supremacists shouting all sorts of crude, vile, heil Hitler kind of stuff - and the show makes it sound like it's just washing across the USA.

And it kind of pisses me off - I remember when skinheads and neo-Nazis and all kinds of weird hate groups came to the fore in the late 70's and early 80's and of course, everyone knew - yeah, they're hateful - but people KNOW they're hateful. Just watch "The Blues Brothers" some time. EVERYONE KNEW they were full of crap then, and everyone STILL knows this. They didn't "rise" to some danger within the last eight years.


Then I hear one of the bozos spewing hate about being "replaced". Some weird ass version of what IS actually going on, but making it into some form of racist hate.


There's no question at all, that Dems want to be the saviors of illegal immigrants, reward them, grant them amnesty, give them free health care and college - for one very clear, obvious reason - their support and their vote.

Because if all those Latinos pouring over the border ever dared to start voting Republican, those compassionate liberals would be toe to toe to stop them.

THAT is where the "replacement" thing comes from. Not some 21st century version of nativism, where American belongs only to whites. It's a liberal stunt - and a gamble - that millions of new citizens will tilt power in their favor. Has nothing to do with hate or love for them. It's always power.

Everyone KNOWS why Dems want DC to be a state: everyone KNOWS why they want to make Puerto Rico a state - they want the power. If Puerto Rico were to produce two REPUBLICAN Senators and take away seven House representatives - yes, you're damned skippy, they're not in favor of it.

It's not "white supremacy". It's that they're losing the votes of whites, and need new voters and they're willing to open the borders to do it.


Well-Known Member
Where the phuck are all these sick Mofo Trannies coming from?
Reading this a person would think there is an Army of sick pukes gathering to go to fist city on the SCOTUS.

This crap has gone far enough. It's time to bring these perverted sick, mentally ill whacko's to a screeching halt.